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Lucy's POV
Tony had given ME a suit, it was so cool. This meant if I was going on missions I would have to think of a name, I don't really want everyone knowing my identity or i would never be able to go to school. I think I have chosen The Raven or Raven to be my name as it links to my wings. I don't have school today as it is Saturday but I do have training with Nat and Wanda, I think I have training with Steve and Bucky too. I really enjoy training. Today I am wearing a sporty top and some sports leggings along with running shoes.

Wanda's POV
Lucy came down to breakfast and sat next to Me and Peter, she had some fruit cereal. Bucky, Steve and Nat were also eating breakfast, all getting ready to train. Peter was not training today due to the fact he trained yesterday after school. We were all concerned for Lucy, her meal sizes had increased but they still weren't what they would be, Bruce said it would take time. I am training in lucy first today, then Nat, the Steve and Bucky.

"Lucy are you ready to come and train" I asks Lucy having finished my breakfast.

"Yes" Lucy says as she gets up and puts her plate in the sink. "Bye Pete, I'll see you later" Lucy says to Peter before leaving, they do have a good connection. Lucy and Peter are best friends I suppose with loosing their parents and aunt they had to be there for one another.

"Right so we will work on attacking with your elemental powers for an hour then you will train with Nat" i tell Lucy, she nods in response. "We will do some basic stretches to warm up than we will start" Lucy nods again.

We finish stretching at I get the punching bag and hang it up "right I want you to attack the bag with your powers, use fire first as that will be the most effective on enemies, as it will burn"

"All of them will be effective, water I can freeze it and use it to make spikes to stab people, water can also push people. Air can be very powerful in force as I can push people hard with it in any shape. fire burns and can be morphed in weapons along with water. Earth can be very forceful and hard and can probably knock someone out" Lucy tells me before demonstrating this with each element on the punching bag "and all together will be the most powerful but it is the hardest to control and the one that consumes the monster energy" Lucy demonstrated this by creating a tornado spear sort of thing with all of her elements and shutting the punching bag making it fly of the hook, burst and shoot half way across the room.

"These are all very valid points. Well done" i say to lucy before using my powers to get another punching bag on the hook.

"HYDRA taught me all the ways to kill someone with my powers and made me try" Lucy mumbles, I just go up and hug her.

"You are not in Hydra anymore" i tell her reassuringly "how about we spar, you can use all of your powers in this fight" lucy nods and steps into the ring ready to fight. I fire a ball of energy at her and use my red wisps pull her leg form Under her. Before lucy lands on the floor she turns into quite a small wolf and lands on her feet, she turns back into a human and gets back into fighting position. Lucy fires a gust of wind at me that makes me fly back but before I land lucy wraps me with water and slowly lowers me to the floor. She smiles at me and I smile back grateful she didn't let me get hurt. "Thanks, but I'm soaked now" i say while chuckling at the fact I'm dripping with water. Lucy smiles and makes grabbing motion with her hand that brings all of the water out of my clothes, then Lucy blows a warm breeze towards me which dries me off completely. I smile at her. "Thanks, you have really good control over your powers"

"I guess I do, I have been practicing in my room at forcefully shooting my powers" Lucy says while going over to me and helping me up. I smile at her

"Let's get a drink you have five minutes before training with Nat" i tell her, we both go to where we put our drinks and have a small drink. I think Lucy will agree with me when I say that using out powers isn't exactly hard it just uses energy and makes us tired, magic can be hard to control I assume the elements are the same.

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