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Steve's POV
The jet should land in about ten minutes. Everyone want to see how Lucy is we are all concerned. When I saw Lucy's body I froze. I couldn't move at all it was like my feet were rooted into the floor and I don't know why. I suppose it is because I feel like I betrayed Lucy. She was so loyal to us and we didn't even trust her when she had the most perfect plan. Lucy couldn't have informed us of the plan as it must have been a plan Lucy made on the spot when Tanya gave the offer. I feel so stupid and now someone may have died because of it.

The jet lands and everyone rushes off. We enter the main room to see Tony sat on one of the sofas with his head in his hands. "How is she?" Wanda asks.

"Went into surgery about 9 hours ago, Doctors says its not looking to good, 9.8% chance of survival" Tony says sadly.

"NO, PLEASE! NO" Peter screams desperately, his knees buckling from under him as he drops to the floor sobbing. Tony walks over to Peter.

"come on Peter" Tony says "lets go to your room" I notice that Peter is holding the ice sculpture so closely to his chest.

Nat sits on one of the sofas too and Yelena walks up to her and sit beside her. "Nat what if I loose y early training buddy what will I do then?" Yelena questions, tears trickling down her face. Nat just hugs her sister and they both cry silently. Wanda sits on the sofa crying too, I go up and hug her. Bucky head in the direction the training room and Sam follows. Kate sits on one of the arm chairs crying silently and very unsure of what to do.

Peter's POV
I cant loose my sister, I can't. I don't know what is will do. While going to my room I spot Lucy's room and go inside. I lay on her bed holding her sculpture close to my chest and crying my eyes out. Mr Stark comes over to me and hugs me. Tears streaming down his face too. We both lay on Lucy's bed crying and eventually fall asleep.

I wake up in Mr Stark's arms still cradling Lucy's sculpture. Mr Stark wakes too. I realise that we have only been asleep an hour and a half. "Come on Pete, lets go see how Lucy's doing" Mr Stark says. I nod not wanting to talk.

We enter the main room to find all of the Avengers except Bruce inside. Some are asleep and some are watching the TV. Nat shakes her head when Tony looks at her indiscretion there is no new information. I sit next to Wanda who hugs me straight away. I am tightly holing my sculpture.

A few hours pass extremely slowly and then a doctor comes into the room. "Lucy is out of surgery, she is still alive but her heart beat is slow, she lost lots of blood and is currently in a coma. Lucy had a concussion, a few broken ribs and very deep wounds. Her left leg was placed in a cast after being thoroughly stitched up and one of Lucy's ribs punctured a lung so that had to be fixed before her lower ribs could be stitched. Lucy has broken her left leg and the bones punctured an artery which was eventually repaired. We still can not say if Lucy will survive" The doctor explains. This information is exactly reassuring. "You may visit her in a few hours when she is more stable" The doctor adds.

"Thank you" Tony responds, the Doctor nods before leaving.

I start crying in Wanda's arms again. "Lucy is very strong Peter" Wanda says "Lucy will be ok" Wanda adds.

"You don't know that, I believe in my sister yes but this situation is bad. SHE IS IN A COMA!" I say "sorry" I mutter and Wanda just hugs me tighter.

"I am going to phone Ned and MJ we haven't spoken in ages" I announces before leaving the room.

I get into my room and use my computer to face time Ned and MJ in a group call. "Hey Pete, I have missed you. What's up?" MJ asks

"I have missed you too MJ" I say smiling.

"Peter" Ned says sternly "I have known you for years tell me what is wrong" Ned says. I break down crying.

"Lucy might die, we were on a mission and she got stabbed and bled loads and after over 12 hours of surgery she is in a coma and her vitals are unstable" I say quickly warm tears streaming down my face.

"Oh Peter" MJ says sympathetically, "If I could I've you a hug I would" MJ adds close to tears herself. Her and Lucy were quite close.

"It will be ok Peter" Ned says, a tear falling down his face, he quickly wipes it but I still saw it.

Bucky's POV
I don't really know what I would do if Lucy dies, Lucy has become family even if its only been 7 weeks or something. When I got back I was so frustrated that I had to attack the punching bag or punch something before I punched someone. Steve was completely frozen when he saw Lucy. Everyone is sitting in the main room. Peter has just walked out to phone his friends. The TV is on but no one is really watching it. Suddenly we hear a jet landing. Clint walks in the room and sees all of our tears stained faces. Nat runs up to him and hugs him, tears in her eyes.

"What happened" Clint says looking around the room, he drops his stuff and hugs Nat tightly "Natasha, someone tell me"

"Lucy is in a coma" I state.

"WHAT?!" Clint exclaims looking around the room tears pooling in his eyes "Right give me a better explanation than that, you can't drop a bomb like that and all stay silent"

"Well Lucy pretend to side with the leader of P.O.W.E.R ad then Lucy killed the leader but the leader stabbed her twice and we were in Antarctica so it took a while to get back, Tony had to fly there and Lucy was in surgery for about 12 hours and her vital are still unstable and she is a coma" I explains knowing no one else can. Clint hugs Natasha tighter. "Peter is mortified and incredibly upset, so are we all" I add. Clint lets go of Nat and goes and hugs Wanda tightly too.

"Sorry I wasn't there" Clint says Nat shakes her head.

"It would have made no difference if we had an army with us Clint so don't do that to yourself" Natasha says.

"You guys all look exhausted, I recommend sleep. I think you have had to many missions in a row so sleep" Clint says running his hand through Wanda's hair reassuringly.

"I need to phone Pepper," Tony announces before walking out of the room quickly looking incredibly stressed.

"How are you all holding up?" Clint asks us all.

"I would say not ok, better than others" Wanda responds. Everyone nods their head agreeing with Wanda's statement.

"Guys you will all feel better if you sleep, you all look dreadful" Clint repeats. Wanda closes her eyes letting sleep take over her and I leave the room to try and get some sleep too.

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Have a fantastic day


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