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Lucy's POV
Peter decided we should watch a film after a long day of exams, so that is what we are doing. It is another Star Wars film but Peter likes Star Wars and that is good enough for me. We are having a chill day after many missions and homework you would think that being an Avenger would mean you didn't have to do homework but apparently not. We are not even half way through the film when Tony runs in "we found the base in Russia" he announces.

"Gods sake give us a break" I mumble under my breath, Peter heard and starts snickering I didn't even know what I said was funny but somehow Peter found it funny, why that doesn't surprise me I don't know. I slowly walk into the meeting room to see everyone in a heated discussion about what to do, They are all arguing like a married couple close to divorce. I decide to use my water powers and flick water into each of their faces, except Wanda who is not speaking. They all look at me like they are about to throw me against a wall.

"I could see the steam coming out of your ears, you need to cool off" I say, did I mention I used Icy cold water.

"That is fair" Tony says "but mean" he adds earning a frustrated glare from me.

"Ok we have a plan, infiltrate the base, kill the agents and search the whole base for anything we need, like information" Steve announces "we will split up into groups Lucy and Peter, Sam and Bucky, Me and Wanda, Tony and Nat. Each group will take a different part of the base, it is like the base that we found Wanda at, we will need to be careful as it is a decent size." Steve says "sam and Bucky will take the perimeter to make sure no one escapes and the rest of you can take a sector inside the building" Steve finishes proud of himself for making a plan.

we are all on the jet in our suits ready to land in Russia, me and Peter have just put our masks on and we are ready to fight. We are minutes away and me and Peter do our handshake and put out foreheads together hoping neither of us dies. We exit the jet and luckily me and Peter are in the same group so we can stick together for the fight. Bruce turns into the Hulk which I did not know what would be happening

As soon as we entered the building we are fighting agents Tony and Nat are outside the building also helping Sam and Bucky. Me and Peter are tasked with finding Ryan if he is here. Peter shoot webs at the agents and punches them, instant kill mode is activated on his suit. I am burning people and stabbing them I bring my wings out to offer myself more protection, HYDRA may have injected me thousands of times but some good did come out of it, eve if it made me and experiment it gave me the ability to help people. I see a bullet heading straight for peter so I quickly surround it in water. I can tell he is smiling at me through the mast. My mask is very different to his, I have more of a hood with a mouth cover the only comes up to my nose, my eyes are visible instead of whatever plastic things peter as over his eyes, Peters mask covers his whole face as well.

"Is everyone clear?" Steve asks, does this man think we are machines, there's hundreds if not thousands of agents and nine of us.

"NO!" Peter shouts while punching another agent. "We are very not clear" he adds, Steve chuckles at this for some reason.

I decide to end this faster and turn into the biggest wolf I can, around twenty feet tall. I pounce on all of the agents, crotch them with my claws bite them with my sharp teeth hit them with my strong paws, kill them with my wolf body. I turn back into a human and me and Peter fist-bump each other knowing we did well. The youngest avengers can still kick ass.

"Ok everyone we need to search the base, find any other bases on a map or find our intended target Ryan" Steve says

"Yes Mr captain" peter says making me facepalm.

"Seriously Peter, really, now. Gosh you are. So. Annoying infuriating even and idiotic" I say responding to Peter statement "Mr captain, really, Uhhhhhhh way to embarrass me and yourself Peter" I add

"I am trying to be polite" peter says

"No Peter that's not polite that's weird and dumb," I say

Everyone chuckles hearing mine and Peter conversation. "Don't get distracted kids, mission, Ryan, search" Tony says, Making me roll my eyes.

Me and Peter search the base and we are about to give up until we lean on a wall and it spins, throwing me and peter into another room with maps and plans and sketches and a man that we believe is Ryan. He sees me and Peter and changes at us.

"Tell everyone Pete, Quickly I'll hold him off" I say before fighting Ryan, I hear Peter mumble something into coms and Some mummers of agreement. Ryan punches me right in the abdomen knocking the wind straight out of me, as I pant trying to get my breath back, Ryan charges at me again to which I make water surround him and I freeze it, I make sure warm air is between Ryan and the ice not to freeze him to death, I leave his head free so he can speak. As soon as I have frozen Ryan the rest of the Avengers run in the room.

"What does P.O.W.E.R want?" Tony asked knowing full well what they want.

"Well to tell you what P.O.W.E.R wants I must tell you what P.O.W.E.R is first" Ryan says "power is the collective of those who are intelligent enough to realise Ultron was right, those who know what should happen to this planet, but you already know that don't you?" Ryans says, Tony slowly nods, unsure of what to say.

"Wait so this is basically a cult" I say smiling, Tony and Peter chuckle at my statement while the rest remain serious.

"Well Avengers, Hope you considered my offer. Though I am not pleased about hearing you destroyed nearly all of my warehouses or power bases" Ryan says confidently

"You pretty confident for someone in a block of once" Tony replies to which Ryan smiles?

"Have any of you considered my offer?" he asks

"Are you sick, none of us would do that. Ultron was wrong he wanted to kill everyone how you can agree with him. Ultron was twisted, he was manipulative, he killed my brother. HE WAS EVIL!" Wanda screams her Sokovian accent coming through strongly along with her frustration, her voice cracks slightly as she mentions her brother.

"Well since you have dismissed my offer, I will ask someone else." He says addressing Wanda "anyone accept" we stay silent and Ryan can read our faces that we don't want to join "okay then" He says "farewell avengers" Ryan melts the Ice with his metal hand and shoot a grenade on the floor where we are all standing, Wanda attempts to contain it with her powers but I can tell she is struggling so I offer her a hand, I wrap water around Wanda's power bubble thing. We share a knowing look and Wanda retracts her powers quickly so I can freeze the water that completely wrapped around and connected with the explosion. As soon as I freeze the water the ice shatters but the explosion lost loads of force so it does little. Ryan goes to to shoot Peter so I quickly shoot an ice spear at him as Steve throws his shield at Ryan. The shield nocks the gun out of his hand and the spear stabs his shoulder.

He falls to the floor slowly dying. "Well done everyone mission complete" Tony says "you know what we need now, shawarma" Tony says.

"Tony like I said in New York, we are not done yet. We need to take down the rest of the bases so we can properly destroy P.O.W.E.R" Steve says

"You know not everyone fought in New York, some of us don't get the inside jokes" Bucky says making me nod.

"Come on lets get back to jet, I'm tired" I say, everyone nods and we head back to the jet.

"Good job on containing that explosion, Lucy and Wanda" Nat says slightly smiling at both of us.

"Yeah good job" Peter says smiling proudly. Peter hugs me still smiling, I hug back.

"Love you bro" I say to my brother smiling happily

"Love you too, thanks for saving me again, I saw you freeze the bullet earlier as well" Peter says gratefully

"Your welcome Pete" I say cheerfully. We finally did it P.O.W.E.R is gone, we can sleep and not constantly go on missions. We did it, go us! I smile at the thought.

Hello me lovely reader, hope you are enjoying the story
Have a great week
Sincerely, wolf

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