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Natasha's POV
Lucy was slammed into the wall with so much force, it shows how used to pain she is. Lucy's nose is badly broken but it is in the right position now because Lucy managed to put it back. "Come on lucy I am just going to make sure you are not injured anywhere" I tell Lucy, who nods as I hand her an ice pack for her face. Lucy puts the ice pack on her face and I put some surgical tape strips on Lucy's forehead and nose. The bleeding of Lucy's nose has nearly stopped and I just need to see Lucy's back. "Can you take your shirt off, I need to see if you have injured your back?" I ask Lucy who nods again and takes her shirt off. There are a few bruises but no cuts or anything to Serious, "ok you can put it back on now" I say. Lucy puts her shirt back on.

"Wanda is going to feel so guilty" Lucy tells me, I nod. "It wasn't even her fault thought because all powers can be hard to control at moments, I know mine can" I nod again. Lucy goes to stand "ok, that hurts a little, I am going to go and lay on the sofa with an ice pack on my face, bye" Lucy says before leaving the room, walking slowly. Lucy leaves the room and I sigh knowing Wanda will be tearing herself apart. I leave the room and follow Lucy, I find her of course laying in a sofa with her headphones on and an ice pack on her face.

Lucy looks drained. Wanda walks in and sees Lucy on one sofa and frowns "how is she?" Wanda asks me.

"She's fine, a bit sore but otherwise she is ok, her nose is broken but there is nothing we can do about that, its not that serious anyway" I respond, Wanda breathes a sigh of relief.

Tony, Steve, Bucky and Peter all walk into the room and frown slightly when they see lucy on the sofa, Tony starts laughing and you can tell Peter is trying not to. Lucy is gently humming not realising we are all there and suddenly she sings perfectly "must have been a deadly kiss, only love can hurt like this, only love can hurt like this, your kisses burn into my skin" lucy hits the high note and sees us all. "Shit, why does this always happen" Lucy mumbles before closeting her eyes "If I cant see them, they either wont see me or will just get bored of staring and walk away" Lucy mutters making me and Wanda smile. "Have they gone?" Lucy asks while opening her right eye the smallest amount. When she sees us all smiling at her she closes it again very quickly. "Shit" She mumbles.

Suddenly Yelena walks into the room "Natasha!" she exclaims "oh hello Lucy" Yelena adds.

"Praise the lord, thank you Yelena" Lucy says very quietly, I still heard it so I laugh slightly at this. Lucy gets up from the sofa and hugs Yelena "I owe you one" Lucy says before laying on the sofa again and putting the ice pack on her face.

Yelena looks very confused having no idea what happened "Don't bother asking, stop being nosy" I tell Yelena who looks at Lucy.

"I'll tell you later Yelena" Lucy says, Yelena happily smiles while I just mentally facepalm. I am living with children, The ones who are actually children are the least childish out of most of us. My sister acts like a 10 year old.

"I'm really sorry Lucy" Wanda tells Lucy. Lucy does not move, this makes me concerned. Lucy waves her hand? Fire swarms into the air and forms words 'it is FINE WANDA, it is NOT your fault, everyone's powers can go out of control sometimes, I blew up countless HYDRA experimentation rooms with mine so I wouldn't worry' I chuckle at this as Wanda smiles.

"Ok why is there fire in MY compound" Tony says, Lucy waved her hand again and the writing disappears.

"Is there?" Lucy asks while sitting up and opening her eyes "I cant really see any Tony, do you want me to call a search party or do you think that the fact there is someone who can control fire in this room answers the question", Yelena is on the floor laughing, as soon as Lucy sees her she joins in so now both of them are rolling around on the floor, laughing their asses of, they both have tears in their eyes. Everyone just looks at the pair questionably when they walk into the the room.

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