35|A tough time

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Bucky's POV
So P.O.W.E.R has returned, It has been 2 days since we first found out and in those two days there have been many attacks on S.H.I.E.L.D and Military bases and many recourses have been stolen. There is little evidence that this is P.O.W.E.R but we all the Avengers know that it is, even Natasha who will only agree if she is certain. Me and Yelena have talked a bit more and she's actually quite fun. Lucy has been very quiet for these past few days. Me and Steve have seen her absolutely attacking a punching bag so many times in these past few days. When Lucy is not at school she is in the training room attacking something. Everyone is very concerned for her but no-one, not even Peter knows what is wrong.

I decided to do some training this morning so I went into the training room to find lucy already there punching the bad, no surprise. Lucy was talking though "Это дерьмо становится еще хуже, одно за другим, кусок дерьма. Все готово меня достать. Отмечая, что становится лучше. Так чертовски слабо!" (this shit just gets worse, one thing after another, piece of shit. Everything is out to get me. Noting is getting better. So damn weak!) Lucy mumbles in Russian. She is crying and is punching an ice punching bag, I can see blood on the ice and There is small drops of blood on the floor. I slowly approach Lucy. I make sure she knows I'm there.

"Lucy," I say as gently as I can "You will hurt yourself" Lucy punches the bag forcefully making it shatter and pieces of ice fly everywhere. Lucy drops on her knees and puts her head in her hands. I just walk over and hug her, letting her cry.

Natasha goes to come in the room but I give her a look that says 'not now, leave' she understands and leaves the room. "Ok what's wrong" I say after a few minutes.

"I cant sleep" Lucy says, I look at her confused "I mean I physically can't every time I close my eyes I see HYDRA, the people I have killed, the innocent people. I see the torture I had to endure. I cant do it anymore, I'm so weak, I'm worthless, I should have let HYDRA kill me" Lucy says through tears.

"No" I say as I hug her tighter "you are not worthless to me, nor anyone else in this compound" I keep hugging Lucy until she stops crying and I help her patch up the wounds on her hands.

"I'm sorry Bucky" Lucy says sadly, I hug her again.

"It's fine, I had the same experience Lucy but you probably went through worse than me, I get it" I tell her, Lucy sadly smiles gratefully.

"Thank you" Lucy says sincerely "I'm going to read" she adds, i smile gently at her and let her go. Natasha walks in smiling at me sadly. I sigh.

"Did you hear?" I ask Natasha curiously

"yes so did Wanda, she was with me. Wanda went to cook lunch for everyone" Nat tells me, I nod "Lucy is struggling, I saw her hands. Good job Bucky" Nat adds smiling at me sympathetically, I sigh again.

"I don't know how to help her?" I admit, Nat frowns.

"We can be there to support her, help her and sometimes be a shoulder to cry on, like you were today" Nat say reassuringly, this makes me smile.

"DINNER IS REDAY, F.R.I.D.A.Y. Please inform everyone" We hear Wanda say making us chuckle, we both walk into the kitchen, only Wanda is there. "I head your conversation with Lucy, you handled it well Bucky" Wanda tells me, I smile.

Soon everyone is in the kitchen, everyone except Lucy and Tony, who is probably doing work. We all hear a piano and someone singing. Everyone smiles knowing its Lucy who must be in the room near us as the piano sounds louder than when she is playing from her room. Tony did put a piano in there after he found out Lucy could play so that doesn't surprise me.

Lucy seems to be happier, I can tell that her songs portray her emotions even if it is just piano and that seemed more like a realisation of being strong rather than giving up, this makes me smile. Nat notices this too and smiles as well. When Lucy walk in the room to find us all there smiling she freezes on the spot and mutters "damn it" before walking to the spare seat next to me and Nat. "Thank you again Bucky, I mean it" Lucy says tells me beofre starting to eat.

"Very good piano playing Lucy Parker" Yelena says, Lucy gives Yelena an 'are you serious look' and Yelena says "let me rephrase that, good piano playing Lucy. Better" Nat laughs at this while Lucy nods. Tony struts into the the room.

"Ok so I have been researching P.OW.E.R and the attacks and they are definitely P.O.W.E.R, I know here they are going to attack next attack, It's at a weapons storage unit (A/N like the one Spider-Man got stuck in durning no way home, when he named Karen, Karen) we are leaving tomorrow morning" Tony tell us all. "They are after recourses" Tony adds "any questions?" Tony asks

"Yes, I have one. Why does Lucy have so many powers?" Yelena asks. Nat facepalms at her sisters question, Lucy's breath hitches slightly before she gains control of it again and answers. "What he said Ask questions"

"While I was in HYDRA they would inject me with fluid after fluid, experimental test after another. I was given 2 different liquids a day through a drip, they would burn, ache, it felt like I was being ripped apart, some failed and some succeeded. As soon as I had a completed test and gained my first power which was super strength they upped how many fluids I was given to 18 a day, all of the tests but 4 failed, when they tried the tests on others they failed that is why I survived" Lucy tells us, I can tell her breathing is up slightly I watch her put her headphones on to calm herself as I and everyone else in the room can tell she is on the adage of a panic attack. Peter goes and hugs Lucy, Lucy tenses at the contact but relaxes when she knows it is Peter and after a couple of minutes she is calm.

Yelena looks very guilty but Lucy goes and hugs her surprising all of us slightly, Yelena embraces the hug and Tony announces "ok does anyone have a question that is not random?" Tony asks again and we all shake our head. "Ok prepare for tomorrow" Tony says before strutting back out.

"Много драматично"(Dramatic much) Lucy says making me, Nat and Yelena chuckle as we are the only ones who actually understand Russian. Everyone looks puzzled but ignore it. It's a shame that Thor is in Asgard because i think him and Yelena would get along.

Lucy's POV
It is the morning of the mission and I just hope it goes well With P.O.W.E.R, we have already made them angry enough due to Ryan death, this is going to make them want to kill us more. We are all sat in the et again, which is now getting very repetitive. "Everyone ready? We are five minutes out" Clint announces from the pilot seat.

There is a chorus of 'Ready' and 'yes' me and Peter do our handshake and we all get off the jet, Tony decided to go for a more stealthy entry and Cap agreed. We are all in the middle of action fighting all of the agents that have flooded in, I spot Yelena who has punched a guard to the floor, Natasha lands next to her and Yelena mutters "such a poser" to which Natasha scoffs at, While I am looking at the sisters I hear someone come behind me so I just put my arm up punching him in the face.

It has been a long few hours of constant fighting to gain control of the storage area and take out all of the agents. I see Bucky, he has just taken out an agent and looks sore and tired. There is someone behind him, with a gun aimed right at his head. I run in front of him just as the bullet is shot. Luckily I catch it with my water powers. "Lucy" Bucky and Peter shout at the same time.

"WHAT?" I shout back, they see the bullet is being held with my water powers and breath a sigh of relief as some other laugh. I turn to face Bucky "you help me, I help you" he smiles as I chuck the bullet onto the floor.

Hello my loverly readers
Hope you are having a brilliant day,
I shall see you in the nest chapter

Again I am considering adding a new character: Kate bishop. What do you guys think?

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