15|Alright, Spider-Boy

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Lucy's POV
I decided to go and see Peter, I kind of want him to have loads of work so that I can do it for him. I really need a distraction. I'm am very anxious and probably have PTSD and just need to do something. I know I am struggling to adjust and I know Wanda and Nat notices. I also need to speak to Tony, I want to know when I am starting school. Today is Monday, start of the week so I wonder if I will be starting next week or this week. I have been really enjoying my time at the tower and feel more comfortable around everyone even if it has been less than two weeks. Nat and Wanda are who I feel most comfortable with. Peter is my brother so he doesn't count, I was already really close to him. I have arrived at Peters room and knock the door. "Hello, who is it" he asks.

"Just me big bro" I say "I was just wondering if you had any work" I ask hoping he does.

Peter opens the door and I walk in. "I do, thank god you have come, I really need help. My teachers are meeeeaaaannnn on a Monday they give us 5 pieces, one from each subject I did today" Peter says.

"One homework per lesson that is fair" I say trying to annoy him.

"Not fair, not fair AT ALL" Peter says even though he raised his voice in a jokey way it still makes me flinch. "Oh I'm really really sorry lucy, are you alright" Peter asks concerned

"Yeah sorry, I just got used to pain following after being shouted at" I say feeling tears prick my eyes threatening to spill.

"Oh Lucy, I'm sorry" Peter says prior to engulfing me in a caring hug.

"Love you Pete" I mumble into my brothers chest.

"Come one I need you to help me with this Maths and English, pleaseeeeee" peter says trying to lighten the mood.

"Alright, Spider-boy" i say teasing him

"It's Spider-Man, I am a man now Lucy. No one can say otherwise" Peter says while smiling widely.

Me and Peter have been doing his work for ages, I think it has been about two hours. It has really been a great distraction. I don't know what the fuss was about it was so easy. I know I need to speak to Tony, I will do it at dinner which is in around half an hour I think at 6. "Bye Pete I am going to my room to read for a bit before dinner, see you later" i tell my brother. Not even waiting for a response I turn into my wolf form and run off. As soon as I get into my room I plonk on the bed, put my headphone on, play my music and start reading Harry Potter and philosopher's stone. I decided to read that Harry Potter series again, It has been a while.

"It is time for dinner everyone" someone shouts I'm assuming it's Wanda as it was a female voice and it was her turn to cook tonight. I turn into a wolf and run down the stairs, and into the dining room. I then turn it to my human form and sit down next to Wanda and Peter.

"Oh lucy you start school tomorrow I have brought you a bag and the same school books as Peter" Tony tells me.

"Thank you Mr Stark" I respond while eating some salad and beef really enjoying it "this is great Wanda, thank you" i say knowing Wanda is the only person who could have cooked this.

"Thank you Lucy" Wanda replies.

It has been half an hour and everyone has eaten, we are all just sitting around the table chatting, I am reading. "Hello lucy what are you reading" Natasha asks me, I just show her the cover of the book "ah, cool, why don't you show everyone your powers like you did earlier?" I just smile and nod not really wanting to speak as there are lots of people here. I grab the water form everyone's glasses I make it swirl like a tornado and form a water bubble in the centre of the the table, catching everyone's attention. I proved separate the bubble into many water bubbles and make them swiftly spin around each other. I stretch the water out so it forms a snake, I even make scales and a tongue and eyes. I lower the snake so it is places on the table and make it slither around everyone, I decide to make its tongue move too. I then freeze it.

"Woah" Peter says breaking the silence "that. Was. Awesome" Peter exclaims exited.

"Here" i say before floating the ice snake over to him "keep it, It won't melt unless I make it" i tell him

"Awesome" peter screams fanboying

"If this is what you are like at school I am staying away from you" i tell him

"No at school I am Mr Parker the man so you can hang around with me" Peter tells me, I just burst out laughing.

"Alright, Spider-Boy" i say "Do you want to see something cool" i add peter just nods along with everyone else

I make a massive dragon out of fire but make sure it doesn't burn anything and I make it travel around the room.

"How do you know that won't kill you or any of us actually" Bucky asks me Steve and Tony nod

"Because I made it not" I say

"It is moving, Ahhhhhhhhh! We are going to die" Peter shouts

"Peter it won't kill you" I say before making the dragon fly over to him

"It's coming to eat me" peter says while jumping onto the ceiling using his powers.

I just shake my head, "No peter " I say, everyone is chuckling at Peters antics. "Bye everyone I am going to sleep as I have school tomorrow"

"What about that thing" peter shouts I extinguish the flame as I leave and I hear a chorus of Bye's or see you later while I leave with my book.

Wanda's POV
That was the weirdest experience of my life, snake made of water, and dragon made of fire "Well that was unexpected" tony says

"It was cool though" Peter says while jumping off the ceiling

"Says the person who was literally screaming" Tony says "Peter go to bed you have school tomorrow" tony tells Peter

"Uh but Mr stark it is 7:21 and I am 15!!!" Peter whines

"Fair point" Tony says "fine you can stay"

"Yay! Thank you Mr stark" Peter responds

Lucy's POV
I am going to school tomorrow so I am going to try and get to sleep at eight but until then I will read, right so I have half an hour, I need to finish this chapter at least. I put my headphones in and play mu music and start reading. I hope everyone liked the snake I made, I thought it was pretty call, I don't even know why I decided to make a snake. Oh well I guess I just did. I am so nervous for school tomorrow, I think I'll be fine, I have peter and my powers if I need them but I don't want to expose myself yet so I will try not to use them. I can't really help it if ups sue my super strength and super stamina though. I look up at the clock, shit, it's 8:10 I still need to shower and then I will sleep.

I finish the chapter I was on because I couldn't help it, shower and put pyjamas on now it is 9:08. I think I will try and sleep, I know it is quite early but I have school tomorrow and don't know what time I will wake up if I get a nightmare, after nightmares I can never get back to sleep. My head hits the pillow and I am asleep almost instantly.

Hello everyone, I'm on a roll here two chapters two days in a row :)
I hope you are enjoying.
I was celebrating when I checked my last chapter for reads, 6 in under 24 hours, WOW
Thank you so much for reading, I really appreciate everyone single one of you
Love you all :) have a wonderful day.

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