12|The mortal is better!

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Lucy's POV
It has been a four days since I got stabbed but my wound still hurts LOTS and I mean LOTS. Peter, Tony, and Pepper have visited me lots which has been nice. I haven't seen Wanda or Nat much, tony told me they went on a mission and just got back today. Today I finally get let out of my hospital room place, YES. I have been wanting to leave ever since I first woke up here. Later today Peter and Tony will be coming to pick me up so to pass the time I will listen to some music.

[~] (A/N this means time skip)
It's has been a few hours and Peter is coming to get me any minute, "hello lucy, do you want to leave now?" Peter asks while walking close to my bed.

"Yes please let me GO! I have been waiting to get out for ages and you know that, please set me free!" I say as I slowly sit myself up holding the place I got stabbed as moving still hurts quite a bit.

"Come on then, follow me" peter replies as he waves his had towards himself signalling for me to follow him, then his expression changes when he sees me wince and realises I probably need some help, so he runs over to me and helps me get out of bed lifting me so my feet swing over the side of the bed.

"Thank you" I say while trying to stand up and failing as my stomach hurts more than I want it to "maybe I could have a wheel chair" I suggest as I know walking is not happening today.

"Sure, come on I'll help you, give me a second" peter reassures me, before leaving the room to what I assume would be to get a wheel chair, seconds later he runs in with a wheel chair in his hands pushing it across the room. Somehow he manages to slip over, what a dipshit, he crashes onto the floor with the wheel chair rolling Over near my bed while I just sit there laughing my head off, I get to a point where I fall of the bed which hurts like a bitch. I end up just sitting there on the floor still chuckling a bit but in lots of pain.

Then Tony walks in, of course he does just in time to see this mess "what the hell is going on here" he asks kind of confused I think. He walks over to Peter and helps him up, Peter doesn't seem to have any injuries other than probably a few bruises. He then comes over to me and carefully lifts me into the wheel chair. "How in world did you manage this?" he asks

"Right so I went to get lucy a wheel chair but I ended up tripping on something" Peter starts explaining while I sit in the wheel chair still slightly chuckling. "Then when I trip lucy ends up laughing really hard and falls of the bed and then you come in and help us, oh and thank you" Peter exclaims

"Right Peter that was mean because now my wound hurts because I fell on the floor because of your clumsy dumbass" I happily stated still finding Peters fall very funny. Tony starts to chuckle and Peter smiles even though he is trying to look offended.

"Come on let's get you to the main room Lucy everyone is waiting for you, when you started taking ages" Tony shares as he glares at Peter "i was sent to come and get you" Tony starts pushing me after saying "I will push as Peter cannot be trusted with a wheel chair"

Peter replies "Mr Stark that is not fair, I tripped everyone does that" we keep walking as Peter whines.

We finally make it to the main room and Thor is there, I don't  think I have actually met him yet "Hello, Man of iron, Oh the mortal is better!" Thor booms at all of us

"Hello Thor, I may look better but it still hurts, I did get stabbed" I reply, Nat and Wanda smile at me along with Peter "sorry we took so long someone" I say while glaring at Peter hopefully piercing his soul with my glare "tripped over while trying to get me a wheel chair" many of the avengers start chuckling while peter just goes a bit red from embarrassment.

"How are you lucy?" Wanda asks, while looking quite concerned.

"Oh I'm alright, struggling to walk as my stomach hurts, oh wait let me try something" I say as I let my wings grow and start flapping them so I rise gracefully into the air "oh that's much better, still hurts a bit to move but definite not as much as walking" I confirmed. I decide to fly around the room a little bit before slowly flying down and sitting on one of the sofas.

"Lucy" peter scolds "that was dangerous you are still recovering" Peter says while walking over to me and hugging me "please stay safe"

"I'm sorry, I just don't want to sit still it is a very boring thing to do, love you Pete" I apologise while hugging him. Peter starts grinning so I assume my apology's worked.

"Do you want to watch a film, you can pick if you want to Lucy" Wanda asks me while going to the big TV in the main room, picking up the remote and floating it towards me with her powers.

"Sure, but I choose Star Wars because I know Peter likes that, oh and when do I starts school because I was unconscious for the day I was supposed to start?" I ask genuinely quite curious.

"Yay" peter exclaims

"I don't know when we will get you to start school lucy, we will have to wait until you have recovered" tony says then he moves to look at Peter and states "Peter you will be going back to school tomorrow as we have let you have a few days off while Lucy was injured bit now she has recovered you are going back"

"Ok Mr Stark" Peter replies while saluting.

"Strop bickering at start the film" Nat says, "we don't have all day" while taking the remote out of my hands and pressing play on the film.

We all sit on the sofa and watch the film, it is very good so far. I do enjoy Star Wars just not as much as peter because I prefer Harry Potter. Peter has fallen asleep, of course he did. Peter is like a puppy or something, loads of energy one second and asleep the next. Wanda is sitting next to Nat and Nat is next to Steve, Steve is next to Bucky and Thor is looking the screen very confused and amazed, there must be no TV's in Asgard. How he has missed out. Peter has told me that Thor is like 1500 years old, when do gods die! I mean being alive for so long would be boring, what does he do with hundreds of years. When Peter had explained this to me i was astonished. There is only 10 minutes or so left on the film and I'm really tired so I'm going to try and sleep, this sofa is kinda comfy. 'the whole avengers compound is amazing and so are all the people. They are people not just avengers and I think many people forget that'. I think as my eyes slowly close and I dose of into a restful, peaceful sleep.

Hello readers, I have changes how I do speech to how it is supposed to be I think.
I don't have the energy to go back and change the other chapters but from now on it will be like this and I think that it is better now.
Love you all
Have a great weekend

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