24|We all nearly died!

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Peters POV
Shots reign from the ceiling, Tony comes without his Iron Man armour on and shelters me but the shots never come. I see Lucy using her powers to make a shield of water surrounding all of us. As soon as the bullets make contact with the water they install loose their force and just drop out of the water all around our feet. Lucy uses her water shield to attack the guns that dropped from the ceiling, Spears of ice shoot at the guns and they drop to the floor broken a deactivated. Lucy drops the shield and slowly lays down on the floor. I go up to her concerned but see her smiling. If Lucy hadn't joined the avengers we would all be dead.

"That was terrifying, well done Lucy your reflexes saved us" Wanda says smiling at Lucy.

"I thought we were all going to die, That was so scary. Thank you Lucy." I say rambling a bit.

"Ok just wow, I need a second to just think about the fact we all, Nearly died!" Tony says. No one moves for a few minutes as we are all processing what just happened. Lucy is still catching her breath on the floor probably processing that fact she saved everyone.

"We don't know what else there is in the building that could hurt us, we should probably leave" Nat say, looking around the room warily. Steve nods.

"Come on lets go, Lucy you alright?" Steve asks Lucy seeing as she is laying on the floor.

"Pretty good considering I just stopped about" Lucy pauses as she looks around on the floor seemingly counting the bullets she stopped "287 bullets from hitting us" we all look wide eyed realising that is actually how many bullets Lucy stopped "I'm just tired, Holding a water shield that takes the force of may bullets is exhausting" Lucy says as I put out my hand out as to help Lucy up, Lucy gratefully takes it and gets off the ground still smiling as I pull her off the floor.

"Did you actually count the bullets?" Tony asks, Lucy nods "WHY?"

"Don't be rude Mr Stark or I wont save your life" Lucy says, this makes us all chuckle. Lucy leans on me as she stands obviously very tired.

"Well done Lucy, that was a very last second save" Bucky says, we all nod in agreement "you reflexes are very good, we didn't even have a second to react yet you managed to make a water shield around us" Bucky adds smiling at the fact none of us are dead or even injured. Clint and Sam haven't spoken I assume they are still taking in the fact we nearly died. I bet Clint is thinking about his family and Sam isn't as used to this as others.

"I suspected that this was kinda shady so I had the water ready to shoot around us if needed but it I didn't really think I would need to use it. You guys all let your guard down, Pete you took your mask off and Tony you even took your suit off" Lucy says as she stumbles slightly. I think we are all disappointed in ourselves.

"Come on lets get back to the jet, I don't think she can stand for much longer" Nat says jerking her head in Lucy's direction.

"Do you want a piggyback" I whisper to my sister, she nods and I bend down so she can get on my back. I haven't put my mask back on, I don't think I really need to. I am beaming with pride at the fact Lucy, My sister just saved all of the avengers. Lucy careful and slowly gets on my back and I lift her before starting to walk catching up with the rest of the avengers who have already started making their way to the jet.

We catch up to everyone and Sam gives Lucy a fist bump as a thank you. When we arrive on the jet it is very quiet as everyone is probably deep in though. "Does anyone remember what that guy said because I forgot and I need to know " Tony asks everyone shakes their head expect Lucy so we all look to her.

"You guys are relying on me for everything" Lucy says Tony frowns and looks at the floor annoyed that he didn't get the answers "I didn't say no did I?" Lucy asks, Tonys head shoots back up and he looks at Lucy waiting for an answer " so he started with, Hello Avengers, I have been expecting you I bet you have so many questions, I will answer one. He then talked about his organisation by saying, I am a leader of P.O.W.E.R, Peace, organisation, with extinction, requirements. Ultron was right Humanity is weak we need to evolve like I have he said while holding up his metal hand up to the screen and then talked about what he wanted by adding, Only the best most powerful, Intelligent, resourceful, Strongest humans should be allowed to survive. I need your help to make this happen. My name is Ryan and I hope you consider my proposition" Lucy finished having completely memorised what he said.

"Ok how do you remember that?" Sam asks Lucy confused

Lucy just shrugs and replies "I was trained too" we all understand what she means. "My analysis of that speech is, he wants whatever that guy Ultron wanted and probably believes similar to Ultron. He wants everyone to have some element of metal or a robot part to them and he only wants the best to live" Lucy says

"You got all of that from Ryans little speech" Clint asks Lucy nods

"I'll explain Ultron to you, basically its all Tony's fault so he can explain" Nat tells Lucy who laughs at her statement.

"Erm no accident" Tony states and when he sees the look Nat gives him he continues "Ultron was a self-aware, self-teaching, artificial intelligence created and programmed by me and Banner, along with the Ultron Program and the use of the Chitauri Scepter as part of a peacekeeping force intended to help out the Avengers. But Ultron was an A.I that we left alone, did not end well. He believed that Humans were weak and needed to evolve so he went to Sokivia made it fly and attempted to make that crash into the earth and destroy everyone thing like an asteroid and the dinosaurs. Oh and when Ultron went to make a body out of vibration we took the body and made Vision with the help of Thor. Wanda ad her brother Pietro helped Ultron because they though he was going to kill just me and the Avengers but when they realised his true intentions they helped us and put their revenge aside but Pietro got killed by Ultron when saving Clint" Tony finishes

"Cool" Lucy says everyone looks at her wide eyed at the fact she understood that. "One question what was the revenge, honestly does not surprise me that Wanda and her brother wanted revenge on you and I have only know you for a few weeks and could think of many thinks that would egg me on to try and kill you" Lucy says making al of us chuckle.

"When me and my brother were little" Wanda starts "we were watching a sitcom with out family our apartment Blew up killing our parents on impact but not killing us. Another bomb was dropped but it didn't go off for two days we were trapped in the rubble reading the logo on the defective comb in front of us. stark industries. we blamed Tony for our parents death but came to realise it wasn't really his fault" Wanda says saddened and guilt ridden by the story. Lucy goes up and hugs Wanda even in her tired state.

"I would like to say, Your welcome." Tony says we all look at him confused "If I hadn't made a defective bomb you probably be dead so Your welcome!" Tony exclaims, Wanda chuckles as I am just thinking how that is from. A Disney film, Lucy chuckles so I assume she is thinking the same.

"We need to think of a plan to take down Ryan and his Organisation down" Steve announces 

"Wait Nat don't take off now i'll be one second" Lucy shouts while running out of the jet. I groan at Lucy's stubbornness.

"Where the hell is she going now?" Tony asks we all shrug. Lucy comes running back with a phone floating in the air, she must be unsung her powers to lift it "where did you get that and why did you run off"

"You can start the plane now Nat" Lucy tells her "right my thought process was you can't actually record on a TV so something must be the cause of the message and when I ran back this was hooked up the the TV. You could hack into it and theoretically find where the message came from or use the finger prints on it, don't worry I didn't touch it" Lucy finishes

"That is actually a good idea" Tony replies , Lucy raises an eyebrows at him at the use of actually which makes me chuckle. Lucy uses her power to carefully lower the phone to a container she has just made out of ice that is the perfect size for the phone "why the ice box?, that will freeze the circuits" Tony asks Lucy

"Well it will keep the phone safe and ensure that no more finger prints go on the phone as no one touched the box have just made, I have made it so that it is not cold, you can touch the outside of the box if you don't believe me" Lucy tells Tony who follows her instructions and smiles at her.

"Well done, and thanks for saving us all, I speak for everyone when I say that" Tony says that lucy smiles at him and everyone else looks at him in surprise. "I can put my ego aside for a person I like and who saved all of our butts" Tony finishes everyone smiles and starts laughing.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter
Ryans arm looks like what Ultron's arm looked like, that silver metallic look it is smooth. It does not look exactly the same but it is modelled from Ultron

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