Chapter 26

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"You seem to have feelings for him," I heard Louis say as he shut the door. Was he really leaving? What about Zeus? He didn't even tell him he was leaving. I groaned, rubbing my aching forehead. I can't take this anymore, I've only been here for over four hours and I was already dying of jealousy.

"I won't object if you can convince him."

I shut my eyes remembering Louis' words. Won't object? Did that mean he wasn't going to interfere — that he wasn't going to sleep with Zeus anymore? My heart fluttered at the supposed reality. Had he actually been serious?

Zeus. I thought, getting up. I want Zeus, I admitted to myself heading towards the door. Spots was still sleeping and wouldn't be an interference if I went now.

Taking a deep breath, I pried the kitchen door open before wandering out and turning to go up the staircase. I felt my heart pound and oddly contract in my chest as I walked up the stairs. What exactly was Zeus going to do when I propose this going steady thing? Laugh?

I reached the door to his room still fidgeting over the idea. I blinked, focusing on the knob. Should I knock? I wondered before shaking my head. I couldn't process what's wrong with me. Maybe it was the fear of being rejected?

I finally brought a fist to the door, knocking. I closed my eyes, half praying he would answer, and half praying he would ignore it.

"What?" Zeus asked as the door flew open. I gasped, staggering back in surprise. He should have least given me a few minutes to think up what in the world I was going to say!

"I — um... Louis left," I informed him as I ran a hand through my hair.

"I know, he called," Zeus said, his voice coming off as a bit irritated.

"Oh..." I trailed, looking up at him. His long hair was a mess as it mopped around his chest and shoulders in messy clumps. Snap out of it! I scolded myself before bringing my gaze back to Zeus.

"What?" he asked again. I blinked, still not used to the unfamiliar hard tone. I could feel my insides knot together, could feel my throat burning as if I was about to cry.

"I..." I trailed, still running my eyes up and down his body.

"If you came here just to stand here, I don't like it," Zeus said, turning to close the door.

"No, wait!" I raised my voice, feeling helpless. I was able to catch the door before it closed and I was now using my hand as a wedge.

"What in the world—" Zeus trailed before sighing.

"What?" he asked, his green eyes meeting mine. I could hear the slight irritation leaking into his tone. I didn't like it.

"I — about, about the affair thing," I mumbled, hearing Zeus groan.

"What about it?" He finally asked, looking straight at me. His eyes still made my heart jolt. How was I so stupid to think he was despite enough to just want me?

"I — I didn't... I didn't mean it, okay? I was just — I don't know, acting out of impulse?" I stammered, not exactly sure of what I had just blabbered.

"It's okay, we both know it's an affair, right? I was just acting like a child—"

"That's the problem. I don't want it to be an affair. I want you to..." I trailed, sort of hoping for him to complete the sentence for me. Zeus gave me confused look. I looked away, beginning to feel nervous. How on earth am I going to say 'I don't like you sleeping with other people and I want you all to myself' without sounding weird? God, I'll sound like Linda.

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