Chapter 39

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We sat there waiting for the verdict. The hearing had been concluded two hours ago. Considering everybody already knew about Zeus and me, I came for the hearing and ignored the weird looks we got when I reached out to hold his hand.

Zeus turned, looking part shocked and partly relieved from the contact. I just squeezed his hand in mine before smiling weakly at him. He turned back to face the stage, a smile and a pleased look on his face.

I turned looked to my right at Leonardo. He didn't look fazed, worried even. He was seating there calmly, eyes on the door the judges were expected to come out from at any second.

I let my hand wander to his lap tapping it. He turned to face me wide-eyed making me almost burst out in laughter, but this was a court, so I held my giggles to myself.

"Thank you," I whispered thanking him in advance. Leonardo's confidence in his argument gave me confidence. No matter how much Zeus might be shaking and tearing his mind over the possibilities of the verdict. I was sure he was going to walk out of this place uncharged, and even if he got charged it would be slightly.

I looked over at the other side of the courtroom towards Zeus' mother and her lawyer. Linda sat on the left side of the lawyer pickings her nails... Picking her nails? I frowned, wondering why she didn't seem bothered while the lawyer beside her was sweating bullets. She looked up from her nails frowning before looking my way.

My eyes widened in panic but she just gave me an unsure look before looking away.

We waited for another while until the female judge came out of the room and walked to the podium. The room burst into murmurs. I could feel the tension in Zeus' hand so I gave it a light squeeze

"Order!" she said, banging her gravel on the podium. The murmurs went then. She cleared her throat adjusting her glasses.

"The verdict is in," she said looking form one side of the court to another. I squeezed Zeus' hand again in encouragement. Leonardo was just staring calmly at the woman.

"It was a hard case but we've come to a conclusion—"

"Just read the fucking verdict," I heard Linda sigh from the other end. The judge blinked in disbelief. But the whole court was taking it as a joke and everyone was now laughing amongst themselves.

"Order!" The judge demanded, angrily banging her gravel. The laughs died soon. The Judge adjusted her glasses turning to give Linda a death glare before reading the Verdict aloud.

"Zeus Darcanius has been pardoned but will pay a fine of $30,000 for living under a false name and obstructing justice for all these years.

"Hera Pathoropeans is now convicted of fraud at a high degree, and will serve a jail term of four years without possible parole."

"Court adjourned." The Judge said packing up her files. The whole court burst into murmurs again as two policemen went over to escort Hera away from the court. She didn't struggle, just complied with them with the soul stinging grace she carried herself in.

"Zeus?" I called looking at him. He looked transfixed in time watching as his mother was escorted out of court.

"Zeus is something wrong? You won the case, but sure, you have to pay a fine—"

"Julian it's not that," Zeus said cutting me off as he turned to face me. His face was a mixture of relief and pain. His green eyes looked glassy as if they were wondering whether to cry or smile.

"Then what?" I asked unable to read his expression.

"She's still my mother Jules."

I didn't have time to bicker over the pet name as the realization washed over me. I'd had the exact same feeling when I'd cut all contact with my family like Linda had asked me to.

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