Chapter 41

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"We'll take good care of them!" Kelly called out as we drove out of their driveway. I winced at the sound of Clover crying and spots barking from within the house. I watched the house worriedly; Clover really didn't like anyone to carry here but me and Zeus.

"She'll be fine. Kelly's literally a baby whisperer, and Spots is there to keep her company," Zeus said, taking my hand in his and he drove off.

"I'm sure you're right," I said biting my lip. "But we've never left Clover by herself."

Zeus rolled his eyes sighing. "She's not by herself, she's with T and Kelly. Look at the bright side, she even has a little playmate," Zeus said referring to T's baby boy. He was a month or two older than Clover and Clover was just three months old.

"I don't see what you mean by a playmate, the both of them can barely sit upright, not to talk of play with each other," I argued, fumbling with the car's radio. Zeus just chuckled.

He drove for a while before slowing down at the emergence of the local recreation center. I took in the air, staring at the building as we drove into the complex.

"Where we met," I heard Zeus say as he pulled the gear on park. I didn't say anything, just let the wonderful memories invade me one after the other. We haven't been here for a while due to the trouble we've been having.

"Julian, are you crying?" Zeus asked, in a low voice as he took my hand in his. I sniffed, rubbing my eyes with the back of my free hand as I shook my head. Why does Zeus always know the right things to do?

"I can remember the look on your face when I passed the ball—"

"Shut up." I interrupted, turning to give him a weak smile. Zeus pouted in mock offense before letting go of my hand and opening the car. We headed out to the volleyball court with the borrowed volleyball form the supply shack.

We played for a while, passing the ball to each other over the net until Zeus eventually got stoned right in the chest.

"Damn Jules!" he groaned as I laughed from the other side of the net. He frowned at me and then smiled evilly before throwing the ball right at me. I jumped out of its way just in time before looking towards Zeus who was giving me a wickedly childlike smile.

I smiled back at him, going over the next to his side of the field before throwing my body at him in a hug. He stumbled a little, trying to adjusting his center of gravity to support both of us, but we just collapsed on the floor like the giggling mess we were.

"Jules..." he trailed, brushing my hair from my face before giving me a full mouth kiss. I whimpered, taking his face in mine as I adjusted our positions so I was straddling him in the grass. We didn't care who was watching, we just kissed, enjoying the feel of each other's lips. We only stopped when we ran out of breath, then we played some more then left.

I was grinning like an idiot when he pulled up at the park we usually visited with spots. We got a couple of sandwiches and two cups of smoothies from a food stand and took a walk hand in hand. It felt so wonderful not worry about who saw us now, it felt so good feeling Zeus warm hand in mine. We walked some more before going to seat under 'our tree'. The one facing the pond that occasionally had ducks Spots always tried to pin down.

We sat on the grass next snuggling up against each other, my head on Zeus' shoulder as I nibbled my sandwich and Zeus feed his to the ducks. We left there around early noon, heading back to pick up Clover and spots.

"Thanks," I said as we pulled up in T and Kelly's driveway.

"For what?" Zeus asked, unlocking the car. I smiled taking his hand.

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