Chapter 38

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"Hurry up! We don't have all day!" I yelled into the house. Kevin and I were heading over to see the baby. A few minutes later a panting Kevin appeared through the kitchen door, stopping at the edge to lean on it, letting himself breathe. His hair was a mess and he hadn't buttoned up his shirt or done his tie.

I rolled my eyes at him. He could be such a sissy.

"You're hopeless, you know that?" I said, watching him gather his breath and begin to do his buttons. He ignored me. His chestnut hair was plastered to his face due to perspiration. I smiled walking over to him.

"You don't need to dress fancy all the time you know, it's just a hospital," I said, taking a comb from my bag before approaching him. I felt his body stiffen oddly then relax as I ran the comb through his hair. I didn't blame him. He's not quite used to it.

"You know the only reason you got dressed before me is that you just had to throw on a shirt and a pair of jeans," Kevin said as I continued to comb his hair. I rolled my eyes ignoring him. Sure I was wearing casual jeans and a loose top, but I'm going to the hospital, not a fancy meeting with the president.

After getting him properly dressed, we left the house and headed for the car.

"I'll drive," He said, stretching his hand out to receive the key. I didn't argue with him, just handed it over and headed for the passenger seat. We drove in silence, the occasional cough or sigh being the only disruption.

"We're close," Kevin said as we passed the hospital's signboard. I started to feel squeamish adjusting my position on the seat. I thought I was ready for this but apparently—

"Just calm down and take a deep breath," Kevin said. I blushed in embarrassment. Was I that transparent? I breathed in and out then wiped my eyes in case of tears. As I continued to prepare myself emotionally, Kevin drove into the hospital's premises.

He pulled the gear bringing the car to a stop. My eyes wandered to the building. It was a faded ash color with louver windows. The signboard of a woman throwing a child into the air came off as ironic to me.

"We have to go in sooner or later Linda," I heard Kevin say as the doors unlocked. I closed my eyes, trying to put my feeling track before leaving the car after him.

We walked into the reception, Kevin holding my hand. I felt like a child being drawn to see what I'd done wrong. We walked up to the receptionist to ask about our appointment.

"We're here about Amanda Banks," Kevin said, pressing the buzzer to catch the receptionist's attention. She looked up from her computer clearly understanding.

"Oh, I'll send in a nurse to see you, the doctor will also have to talk to you about plans for the baby. You can take a seat and wait for the meantime," she said before making a call on the desk phone.

We waited for about ten minutes before a petite lady in a nurse's uniform beckoned to us.

"Finally," I sighed in relief as I and Kevin up from the reception chair. I was already getting queasy and uncomfortable with the place. The reception smelled badly of insecticide and sores. It didn't help matter that the kids in there never stopped crying, and the person that had sat beside me had a terrible looking skin disease that sent my mind into a silent panic attack.

"I'll direct you to the see the baby," the petite nurse said with a weak smile as we got to her. We walked out of the reception and into a long hallway. We walked for a while before stopping at a numbered door.

The nurse opened the door to the room, walking in with us following behind. The room was filled with cribs holding babies. A woman was seated beside one, attending to a child. My eyes followed the nurse that led us here to crib at the corner.

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