Chapter 35

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I watched from Zeus' laptop as the court settled down for another hearing. I could spot Linda close by she looked a bit happier than before. She was wearing a dark blue two-piece suit, her chestnut hair was done up in a loose bun. Beside her sat Zeus' mother in another gorgeous gown. She looked irritated and leaned into the woman at her other side to talk from time to time.

"Order!" the judge from before said as she hammered her gravel on the table. The court fell silent a few people that were standing scattered to find seats. The camera turned to face the media holding up their cameras or moving them to place.

"We are here to continue the hearing regarding the case of Zeus Darcanius. He has been accused of living under a fake identity to which he pleads guilty. However, he wishes to have all charges removed on counts of a desperate cause. The case can now proceed," the person reading the order said.

"Diablo Devalie, please proceed to the stand," the person reading the order said before returning to her seat.

The camera turned giving me a good view of Zeus' mother's surprised face, and then to Diablo who was now proceeding the stand. He was dressed in a simple black suit. His dark hair and dark skin not making much of a contrast with his suit.

As he reached the witness stand and faced the court I could see how worried and fidgety he actually was.

"Are you religious?" the judge asked, carrying out the proceedings. Diablo let out a small 'no.'

"Diablo Devalie, do you swear that everything you are about to say is the truth and nothing but the truth?" The judge asked.

"I swear."

"You may begin." The judge said, taking her seat.

"What is your connection to Zeus Darcanius?" Vera's lawyer asked.

"I was serving at the mansion at the time of the disappearance," Diablo answered.

"Did he offer you any amount to stand in his defense? if you were in Greece at the time of the disappearance, meaning you were called from Greece—"

"I'm standing here because I want to, and no I moved to my home in Mexico before I moved here two years ago, I've been here before the case even unraveled," Diablo said, looking straight at her.

"Are you done?" the judge asked Vera's lawyer. She nodded, heading back to her seat.

"Can you explain the happening of that night?" the judge asked Diablo directly. Diablo nodded.

"I was about seven in the evening when I went to the young master's room to call him for dinner. I realized something was wrong because the door was open. Walking in I couldn't find him, and some of his possessions were gone. I searched on until I found a note on the side table," Diablo said, pausing.

"I didn't read it, considering that would be tagged rude, so I went to meet the master's parents and handed it to Mrs. Parthoropeons—"

"So, there was a note?" the judge asked, cutting Diablo short. He nodded in response.

"Carry on," she said, noting something down.

"She had read the note and discussed it with his father; they told me to get Santos and Gregory, the two drivers. She then handed me the note to burn in the furnace" Diablo continued. The jury fell into a quiet argument, making the judge hit the table with her gravel.

"Carry on," she urged.

"I called the two of them then headed to burn the note, but I was curious, so I opened it. It was a note from Zeus stating he was leaving, that he was tired of his parents own doing affecting his life- that he didn't want to be a Parthoropeons anymore. I burned the letter like they asked me, then headed to the garage out of curiosity." Diablo paused rubbing his eyes.

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