Chapter 23

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Tomorrow's Valentines' day and I'm still not sure what to get for Lambert.

Lambert. The thought of him alone made my cheeks warm up. I'm in a Local supermarket taking a look at their card display. I bit my lip in frustration. Everything comes out as girly, overpriced and fancy. Lambert isn't fancy; he's more of a simple gray and blue person.

My heart fluttered, remembering the words I had read earlier — the words that had, and are still currently having an effect on me.

Finally deciding on a baby blue one, I dropped it into the basket I was holding nervously.

"I'm in love with him and there seems to be nothing I can do about it."

I quoted a line in my mind from his journal. My search for Zeus' had somehow directed me to his. I can remember. I can still remember how I found it. It had been neatly hidden behind a newspaper stack on the top of one of many shelves in his library. I had actually been disappointed when I found it, hoping it was Zeus', hoping I would learn what he had felt for me, or at least what he had thought of me.

I had put it back only to return to it after a few short hours. At first, it made little sense just stating that he fancied someone.

"I saw him again today, he looked gloomy. I wish he would smile more often."

I remember reading, wondering who exactly he been talking about. Trust me, at some point I felt guilty reading it and I still do. But it had mesmerizing reading his feeling for a person he might love or might have loved. I won't deny that I had enjoyed reading it, hoping that someday someone would feel the same towards me.

I had been awkward acting normal around him, acting as if I wasn't reading his Journal. I also kept an idea of what page I was in. He seemed not to notice I was invading his privacy. I remember the day I had gone by a reasonable distance into the book. I had wondered why he had never used the person's name, all he used where minimal descriptions like the person's height and eyes.

"Brown eyes like chocolate. I could eat them."

I remembered, gasping.

"Excuse me?" I heard someone say behind me. I blinked, turning to find a petite woman with her brows corked in question. Her defined sideburns amazed me; it gave me the impression of a lion's mane. Looking lower, I noticed the small bulge of her tummy.

"Who are you?" she asked in a casual tone, turning to look at the card display I had been staring at earlier.

"Excuse me?" I asked confused.

"Don't bother, you just suit the description someone gave me," she said, biting her lower lip in concentration as she scanned the cards with her index finger. I corked my brows, wondering who that 'someone could be' but I didn't bother asking.

I shifted from one leg to the other in uneasiness. I peeped at her from the corner of my eye, watching as she skilfully selected a pale pink card adorned in cursive writing.

"It's lovely," I said almost unconsciously. The small woman turned to me beaming

"It's for my wife," she said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Wife?" I asked in confusion. I rarely met married same-sex couples.

"Yes wife, do you have a problem with that?" She asked, waving the card from earlier in my face. I cringed, wondering what exactly this petite woman believed she could possibly do to me.

"Don't look at me like that, I could deck you!" She said, still shaking the fist that held the card.

"Okay?" I said, not really knowing what I was expected to say.

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