Chapter 20

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I felt my phone vibrate in my jean pocket. Rolling my eyes I continued setting instruments on the surgery table, using my eyes to determine if anything was missing or faulty. I'm about to take out the brain tumor of a three-year-old who should be wheeled in any minute from now.

I mistakenly dropped a ball of cotton wool as I felt the vibration again. I sighed in frustration. Who's calling me anyway? Zeus bloody knows my schedule and Diablo rarely called unless he wanted news on Zeus.


A possibility. I concluded, pulling off my white coat and gloves before searching my jean pocket for my phone. If it's Diablo, he's going to make me go over disinfecting this place again.

I slide the lock screen before tapping on the answer button, not bothering to look at the caller ID.

"What?" I said into the receiver, my voice coming off as irritated. If he's going to call about Zeus, it's better if he did that during my break hours.

"Um, it's Diablo," Diablo murmured into the phone.

"I figured," I sighed, I can't stay mad at Diablo, especially when he's sounding so confused and lost.

"You're calling about Zeus, right? Julian's doing a great job," I added and regretted doing so immediately after.

"Oh, o-okay..." Diablo shuttered. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. He was such a baby.

"Bye then," I said, intending to cut the call right after, but Diablo's voice on the other end kept me on the line.

"Wait! Um, don't cut it yet," Diablo rambled. The image of him ruffling his curly black hair, making me smile.

"What else? Zeus called last—"

"It's not about Zeus!" Diablo groaned into the line.

"Oh," I said when the line went quiet. I didn't know what else to say. What is he talking about? We've never talked without Zeus coming up.

"Um, so how are you?" He shuttered into the phone. I blinked digesting the question. I don't have hearing problems, right?

"Wait, who's paying you to do this?" I asked seriously into the phone.

"What are you talking about Lambert? I'm just asking." Diablo insisted.

"Fine." I mouthed still suspicious. Does he want something?

"Oh. Um, okay," Diablo mumbled back. The conversation was so — awkward. I should just save the whole thing and cut the phone.

"Um, maybe I should just hang—"

"No! Don't, I wanted to ask you something important," Diablo blurted. I nodded to myself. I knew this was for something.

"Go on," I said after a while of silence.

"So, I remembered you like lemons and especially the yellow ones..." Diablo trailed. I frowned confused. So I like lemons big deal. I don't see how this has anything to do with — wait he noticed?

"You noticed?" I asked, feeling a bit fluttery in my gut.

"Of course I did. You eat them all the time," Diablo said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Oh," I said surprised and still feeling fluttery.

Because of lemons. I thought to myself. I just smiled. It doesn't matter, at least he noticed me. Well, sort of.

"So, I saw some on sale and decided to get some for you," Diablo finished.

"Is that all?" I asked still smiling to myself. I don't know why this conversation is oddly making me happy.

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