Chapter 40

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"Zeus?" I heard Julian whimper from the bed. I smiled, turning to meet his confused figure feeling around for me. It's been a week since I'd been let off the hook, and Julian has been my rock, a pretty one at that. I smiled at the sight of him feeling around for me.

I left the study table heading, abandoning the work I was catching up to. It was about five in the morning and the sun was just peeping out from the clouds.

"Good morning sunshine," I said, kneeling by the side of the bed and taking his hand in mine. He mumbled something, pulling my hand to himself. I smiled, letting him hold on to it for a while. At least I could admire him in the process.

I reached out my other hand, touching his blonde hair. It seemed to get wavy as it got longer — I liked it. It really suited him.

I took my captive hand away slowing, making sure he didn't wake up and returned to my work. A few hours later he eventually got up, he watched me from the bed as I silently worked.

"Can I help?" he suddenly asked, making me turn to face him. He yawned, rubbing his eyes before giving me an expectant look.

"Well?" he asked, adjusting the pillow behind him. His bare chest heaved silently as his baby blue eyes watched me, his cheek still rosy from last night. I turned away at the feeling of my stomach flip in want.

"You can help by not looking like dessert," I muttered, trying to unlock my laptop but hopelessly mistyping the password each time. I heard Julian chuckle behind me as I finally got the passcode right.

"I look like candy? really?" Julian asked still giggling. "Hmm, if I look like candy you look like spicy Mexican food."

I turned rising a brow at him. Really, Mexican food?!

"We're meant to leave in a few hours," Julian said, looking over at the clock hanging over the door. It was eight in the morning now and we were meant to be at the hospital by twelve.

"What do you think she'll look like now? She was such a frail tiny thing when we last visited," Julian said, turning to me. My heart pounded at the way he spoke about my child like it was also his own.

We'd gone to the hospital a few days ago to give a blood sample. It had come out positive and I'd agreed to keep her. I couldn't still get my mind of how Julian had looked at her like she was his very own. I'd almost grown jealous because Julian couldn't keep his mouth shut about her since we left the hospital last week. We were going back today to finalize papers and bring her home.

"It's just been a few days, I'm sure a lot hasn't changed," I said, jealousy clear in my voice. Julian smiled at me before looking down at his hands.

"I know it's just..." Julian trailed before smiling suddenly. I could tell he was excited about having her here with us. He didn't really have to tell me. We've been spending the last few days ordering baby clothes, toys, utensils, and furniture. Julian even cornered me into fixing up the study room for her and moving my stuff to our room instead of just placing her cot at the side of the sitting room like I had intended. I didn't mind. If it made Julian happy it made me happy.

"I know what you mean," I said, completely still dazed at the knowledge I was going to be a father for real.

Julian smiled, looking away before turning his attention to the window. "I should really get up and get ready."

"You should also get ready too," Julian said, scrambling out of bed before walking into the bathroom. I continued working, smiling at the sound of the shower coming on.

The shower went off eventually, followed by a Julian and in a towel as he dried his hair.

"Your turn," He said, walking towards the wardrobes. I shut down my laptop and tidied up the desk before heading out for a shower myself, and by the time I came out Julian was already fully dressed and speaking to the nurse on the phone.

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