Chapter 28

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I put the gear on park as I pulled up in my usual parking space at headquarters. I sighed, running my hand thoroughly through my hair. I'd been up all through last night forgetting I had a meeting at work the next day, and Julian didn't help the matter considering cuddling with him in the morning was a way more attractive activity than getting up.

I broke into a smile at the thought of Julian. It's been about a week since we'd been officially dating. I'm glad—it's given me some sense of security lately.

I adjusted my black tie before getting out the car. I groaned at the amount of work I have laid out today, a pile of paperwork to do and an executive board meeting today. Getting close to the main entrance I narrowed my eyes at the awaiting crowd.

"Mr. Darcanius!"

"Do you know what your decision to take a new name has done?"

"What encouraged the decision?"

I heard all around me as he squeezed through the crowd of reporters stuffing phones, recorders, and cameras towards me. I kept my head low, I wasn't going to give anyone the privilege of my time until I know what exactly I've gotten myself into.

Finally getting past the entrance door, I bent over and panted in both and relief.

"Sir..." a doorman trailed, coming up to my crouching form. I lifted my hand up in an indication that I was okay.

"Just guard the door." I managed between pants. He nodded and left, leaving me alone. I loosened my tie not really sure if the heat was coming from the room or from the fact I was afraid. I managed to get into the elevator and up to my office with nothing more than stares and glances filled with pity and questions. I ignored them all the way, more concerned about identifying the reason for the scene outside  — more concerned with figuring out how they had known.

Julian? I thought before shaking my head. He couldn't. I haven't even told him. Was it some angry client? Another firm head determined to dig up my depth?

"Shit!" I cursed in frustration. This can't be happening, there's no way this could be happening! I thought, running a hand through my hair. I loosened it from the braid Julian had made it into this morning.


God, just when everything was going fine. I can't let him find out, he couldn't find out.

He will eventually. The voice of reason and god damn reality whispered in my head. Okay, I'll just prolong the period before he found out. I thought, falling into the seat behind my office desk. I mean he doesn't read newspapers or watch the news, and I could stall until I come up with a reasonable answer...

I groaned and clenched the material of my trousers in frustration. Who am I kidding? I could just tell him now — stall, but give him a hint. I searched for my phone in my briefcase wondering why on earth I hadn't told him sooner, explained everything to him. I started tearing up at the realization that the man I loved was probably going to abandon me.

Opening my phone, I found seventeen missed calls from Lambert, a message from Tamara, and one from Julian. My heart slammed frantically in my chest in fear as I dared to open the message.

Julian 11:20 A.M.

I guessed it was too early to call I won't come over today, I have to deal with postponed work, I hope you wouldn't mind staying in bed alone, you know without me and all.

I sighed in relief taking in the message, I'd have to explain things to him soon, but I'll have to make sure things are under control first. I sighed. Panicking at the thought of calling Julian, I took a look at Tamara's text, stalling. Besides she was in the hospital right now expecting her child in a few days, if her knowing about it will only help in weighing out the gravity of the gossip.

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