Chapter 29

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I woke up at the sound of light knocking. My head was pounding in pain, the loose shorts and nightshirt were both soaked in sweat. I squinted in the darkness, my dry eyes hurting a bit at the action. I haven't been taking the news well I'd gone from panicking, to fidgeting, to crying myself to sleep.

I heard the light knocking again, only this time followed by spots bark. I checked the alarm clock by my side table and frowned — Twelve minutes past nine. Who in the world was here at this time? Not even the press would—

I heard Spots bark loudly again as the knocking continued. I sighed, getting up from my bed. I might just have to open the forsaken door.

Climbing down the stairs and then walking into the sitting room, I turned on the lights, conscious of my steps in case I tripped on Spots. Walking into the hallway, I found Spots by the glass door barking his heart away. Sensing my presence the dog turned, sticking out its tongue before turning back to the door, the unclear figure standing behind it.

"Who's there?" I asked, undoing the bolts, my hand still holding on the key on the lock.

"Zeus, open up, it's Julian. What happened to the spare key under the mat?" I heard Julian's voice say from the other end. My mind froze at first. Had he found out? Was he here to call quits, say it was over?

"Zeus..." Julian trailed before I finally turned the key on the lock. It's over I thought looking down on Julian's face. His features were twisted in confusion — concern. My mouth parted but no words came out. I wanted to tell him I didn't mean to keep it from him, that I loved him, that everything was okay...

"Julian I—"

"You don't have to say anything." he interrupted taking my hand. My eyes moved from his face to our hands, observing the clear contrast of my sun-kissed skin to his pale one. I looked back at him with the mentality of a child awaiting punishment.

"You should have told me," Julian said, tracing the length of my hand with his fingers.


"How could you suffer in silence and not tell me?" He asked, his voice still calm. My eyes widened, that's what he was mad about? He wasn't going to ask me questions about my past, how much I made?

"You're not mad?" I asked in surprise.

"Of course I'm mad. Look at you, it's like you've been silently dying—"

"No. I mean you're not mad I didn't tell you, about my past, about who I really am?" I asked, looking down at him.

"Of course not, it's your choice to tell me not mine, and you didn't lie to me about anything, you just didn't tell me everything," Julian croaked. I blinked realizing his eyes were cloudy.


"Look at you Zeus, how did you expect to get through this alone?" Julian asked, crying freely now. He closed the space between us and hugged me tightly before dropping his head on my shoulder. My eyes started to water too, Julian was crying, and it was for me.

"You're not going to look at me differently are you?" I asked, pulling him at arm's length, just staring at the man my heart yearned for.

"Why would you even ask? Of course not, I got to know Zeus..." Julian trailed brushing my hair away from my shoulder. I looked down at his hand, it wasn't exactly small or delicate, just enough to make my heart churn.

"Not the head of some top industry," Julian finished, a weak smile forming on his face. Spots was walking around us, whining in confusion.

"Are you staying?" I asked looking over his shoulder at the darkness outside, only dimly lit by the few street lights.

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