Chapter 1: "Frenemies?"

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"Hey guys, creator here. I just wanna say the none of the art belongs to me, just the storyline and ideas. Now enjoy reading and thank youu^^"

Ink's POV:

'It has been a few days ever since me and Error had a truce, when Error agreed to the deal I have been trying to befriend him so we could atleast become frenemies. Sometimes I would fail, but I didn't give up. Well 2 days ago I was able to befriend him, today he is acting really off so I decided to visit him in the anti-void. Even though I really hated going there because of the emptiness and blank colour of that place, but I had to do something to find out why Error's acting very off lately..
With one swish of broomie I jumped into the portal and landed in the anti-void

Speech signs:

"Heya Error!"

"y0uR lAt3, 1 tHoUgHt 1 sAiD m3eT m3 aT 1pM"

"Hehe sorry bud.. I just got A little busy"

I saw him blush A little, wow he gave me a cute little angry pineapple face. WAIT- what did I just said?! no, No, NO INK! Snap out of it, he's just a friend.. Right..? I shook my head to stop myself from thinking about Error but he suddenly asked me,
"1nK, iS s0m3tHiNg Wr0nG?.."

Wait, DID HE JUST WORRIED ABOUT ME!? I never knew he would care for a soulless like me.. But why did I feel flustered? DID I TAKE THE PINK VIAL?! Wait, let me check my vials first.. HOLY CRAP- I DID?! OH MY STARS I FORGOT THAT SWAP DARED ME TO DRINK IT! I SWEAR I WILL KILL THAT TACO-OBSESSED BLUE GLOWSTICK ONCE I FIND HIM!! My eyes turned into red-target shape, of course Error noticed.. Fuck you Swap-

"HeY sHoRtY, iS s0m3tHiNg Wr0nG? YoU kNoW i CaN s3e YoUr EyEs ChAnGiNg ShAp3s"

"Uhhh Yeah!- I just zoned off A bit I guess

"1nK, sToP. Ar3 y0u MaD aT m3?.."
At that time my face looked like a fucking rainbow cake-
Shit- he probably noticed me blushing-

"HeY sQu1d, WhY d0 y0u Lo0k LiKe a FuCk1nG sKiTtLe BaG?"


Then after I said that, I quickly used broomie to create a portal back at my place

And about Error..Weeeelllll, he definitely noticed something is up with me. But like- SERIOUSLY?! DID I LIKE HIM OR SOMETHING?! Oh my toriel THERE IS NO WAY I JUST FELL IN LOVE WITH ERROR-

Well he is kinda cute I guess
wait- NO INK STOP-
Get your ass together Ink, he'll never love a soulless like me... Right..?

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