Chapter 17:"Ink admitted?.."

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Hello everyone, sorry for the long wait for this chapter. I was just too un-motivated to finish this but I decided to since you guys are the best! ^^ ♡
Enjoy Luvs!

{~Ink's POV~}

'I was so afraid to tell him.. I had so many questions, What if he doesn't like the idea that I've had in mind? Will this affect our relationship? Is he even ready yet? How can I tell this to him? So many questions flooded my head like giant waves trying to drown me. Then when I was lost in my thoughts Error gripped my hand gently'

"1ñK, ỷ0û DøN'ț HāVê Tø SăY ìT ïF ỷ0ūR ț0ø AfRă1đ. WhAț Dø YøU wAňT ț0 šAỷ AňYwAỷ?"

"W-well, its really hard to explain this especially to you.. I-I don't know how to say this in words..."

"țHêN ėXpLā1n |ț !ň A wAỷ 1 čAń UnDêRśTāNđ, YøU čAń Dø ThAt RïGhT?"
'He said, still holding my hand. I was still nervous even if I know he would support my decisions..'

"W-Well, a part of me says that.. U-Uh...  I-I....

"|ț'S øKâY 1ňK, ỷ0û DøN'ț HăVê Tø-"

"No.." I said, cutting him off

"Error look.. I know we have only been dating for a few months and it really feels like a dream come true but... I still feel like I still need something else in my life.... A-A family.. W-with y-you..."

'He suddenly froze, his eyes shrank.. D-did i really say that?... I felt my face go rainbow, and saw his slight yellow blush. His eyes narrowed then suddenly pulled me closer to him. He embraced me, wrapping his arms around me and placing his skull on my shoulder'

"0h, 1ňKỷ. WhY wøUłD ỷ0û βê SćAř3đ 0f SāYįNğ ThAț? YøU kNøW I WøUłD åLwAỷS šUpPøRț YøUř DêCıSí0ň Nø MăTț3ř WhAț Iț 1ś Ab0ûT."

{~Error's POV~}

'I was slowly starting to understand now, thats what he has been stressing out on?.. Poor Inky, he shouldn't give himself to much stress.'

"I was just afraid it might affect our relationship.. I was scared you might not be ready... I didn't want to lose you...."

"YøU w0ńT ł0šE m3 1nKy, AňD ńEv3ř WıLł.. DøN'ț WøRřY..."

"T-thank you Ruru,I love you.."

"1 ł0v3 ỷ0ù Tø0 |nK.."

"Now how about we go to a mall, with the others? That would be fun! Oh oh! We should also start planning for our family!! Come on lets go what are we waiting for!"

'Heh, now that's the Inky I know alright. Funny, cheerful energetic and—'

(Loud clank*)

"G-gah!- Ouch!"

'—Clumsy. Hehehe that's my Inky alright'

"Error! Don't just sit there c'mon! Help me over here!"

"AłRîGhT, āLř!ğHț. 1'm CøMīNğ IňKỷ"

Yay I finished this!
I'm probably going to either; make the last part of this series, or ,end this series here and make a new one that continues the storyline of this series.
You guys can choose on the comment section!

(^-^) ~Bye Luvs!

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