Chapter 18: "Ink's unfamiliar dream"

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YA'LL I AM SO SORRY I HAVE BEEN INACTIVE FOR WAY TOO LONG! I'm so sorry things have been so busy lately especially since school is stressing me out and I am starting to have phone difficulties, but no worries! I am not dead physically, but I am dying mentally •-• 

I'm sorry you had to wait for so long for this chapter to come out, but enjoy!

{~ Ink's POV: ~}

'My life has changed, alot.. Me and Error are engaged. Some other Sanses started currently dating, but I'm somehow unsure if Classic will ever get in a relationship with Fell, since he is too blind to realize Fell has feelings for him and Fell is just too shy to even admit he likes Classic. But their relationship  isn't something I should worry about since it's their own businesses anyways. I'm drawing right now, while Error is currently snuggling onto me. But this time I'm drawing two monsters I've seen in my dreams, yeah I know, how can I remember dreams when most humans and monsters can't? I'm as confused as I can, but I wonder.. How are these 2 monsters in my dreams when I don't even know who they are or what they are to me? I don't know either, but they look familiar to me but at the same time they aren't. This situation is starting to worry me, but who should I tell this about first? I know I should tell this to Error but I don't really want him to worry about me too much since he get a little bit too concerned when it comes to problems I get. I guess I could ask Dream about this since he has encountered people with unfamiliar negative dreams before. Then after I stopped overthinking too much the doorbell rang, huh I wonder who that could be.'

"Ruru, could you let me go? I have to check who's at the door."

"0kAÿ FîNē"

'I stood up, walked out of our room and went downstairs to open the door. Oh, it was just Swap.'

"Heya Ink! Long time no see right?"

"Hey Swap, yeah I guess it has been a while ever since we saw eachother. What brings you here?"

"Don't tell me you actually forgot that Christmas is coming, did you?"

"Oh it is? I guess I did forgot hehe.."

"Oh c'mon Ink! You know that after Dream and Nightmare's birthday Christmas will come! Anyways I'm just here to tell you that I, the magnificent Swap hosted a Christmas party! It will start at December 24 by the way, every Sans I know will be coming and you and Error should come too! And after the Christmas Party I'll host a New Years Eve! Isn't it all so exciting!"

"Well it does sound exciting, I guess me and Error should come. Thanks for telling me the news Swap! Is that all your here for?"

"Yep! I'll see ya soon Ink! Bye!"

"I finally finished this! I am happy I finally made this, and yes, I chose to continue this series! Bye Luvs see ya'll tomorrow in the next chapter!  ~♡"

(Yes! I made this chapter last 500+ words, I hope ya'll are proud)

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