Chapter 13:"Double Date,Part 3"

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To people who are curious of what dress Killer and Ink will be wearing, here is the picture of them wearing the dresses;

To people who are curious of what dress Killer and Ink will be wearing, here is the picture of them wearing the dresses;

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Now onto the story!

Ink's POV:

'After eating lunch with Ruru I waited until it was 1:30 so I could get ready to go to the mall with Killer. After we got to the mall we found Lust at a clothing shop and he decided to help us find dresses for the date'

(Speech signs)


"I didn't know you two would try to find dresses in this mall, well you came to the right clothing shop! This place has amazing dresses with matching colours for humans and monsters!"

"Well this was the only mall me and Killer knew about so we just decided to come here"

"Well you came to the right mall anyways! Now come along I know alot of dresses that might amaze you!

"Maybe we should just try on 2 dresses-"

"Absolutely NOT darling! We have so much to try on!"

"Well we don't really have a choice Killer, Lust has an amazing taste for style and colours"

*sigh* "Fine."

'After trying on a few dresses we still couldn't find the right one, until Lust said;'

"Ink, Killer, darlings! I found the right dresses for you two~"

"Please don't be a puffy one, I hate those"

"They aren't puffy darling but they do have a few amazing details!"

'Lust showed us the dresses and I must admit, they do look amazing. Me and Killer tried them on and Lust squealed like some kind of fangirl'

"! They are amazing and they fit your color scheme!! eeeeecckkkkk!"

'I gotta admit they do look cute but a little too cute.. I don't know how Ruru will react to me wearing this...'

(Lmao I have a feeling I know how he is going to react)

\\~Time Skip~//

Third Person(No one's POV)

'After placing the dresses in their shopping bag Ink, Killer and Lust went to look for suits for Error and Nightmare.'

"Lust are you sure they have suits here that match Nightmare and Error's color scheme?"

"Of course darling! I already told you, this place has the best clothing in this mall!"

"Okay fine."

"Guys I don't think it would be a good idea to buy a white suit for Nightmare because of his.. Y'know, goop?"

"Oh don't worry Killer I know, but I think its a good idea to give him a white suit so once his goop stains the suit it'll probably stay permanent and give him the perfect suit!"

"That does make sense, but why does it have white? Why not black?"

"Killz, if you stain colored clothes it'll wash out easily which is why we need a white one."

"Oh okay."

"Okay guys enough chit-chat lets go find some suits!"

'After looking for the perfect suits for Night and Error, the 3 finally finished looking for it and decided to check out and pay for the outfits.'

Okay I think I have to end it here guys, chapter 14 will come later don't worry!
Bye Luvs thanks for reading luv ya'll, stay safe and have a great day! ^^


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