Chapter 2: "Dating? Or not?.."

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"Before you read this, some parts may be sorta cringe and weird-
But my grammar and writing eventually became a bit better."

Error's POV:
'Yesterday was really weird.. Ink acted very off, but heh, his little flustered skittle face is adorable..
Wait- WHAT DID I JUST SAY!? no, NO ERROR. STOP I WOULD NEVER LIKE A STUPID SQUID! R-right..? *sigh* I like him don't I?.. Yeah, I'm fucking right.. I don't like him, I LOVE HIM! I WANNA FUCKING KISS HIM SO BAD! But I can't... We're just friends.. And that's all Ink thinks about me.... I really wanna kiss him.. FUCK it, I'm calling him here'

(Same speech signs as last chapter)

*Ink picks up his phone*
"Error? Why'd you call me?"

"LiSt3n SqUiD, c4n YoU c0m3 hErE iN tHe AnTi-Vo1d?... 1 jUsT.. wAnT y0u To CoMe...."

"Uhhh.. Sure I guess, but what for bud?..."

"JuSt c0me.."

*Ink hangs up*

\\~Time Skip~//

"Heya Error, you called me?"

"cAn YoU c0m3 hErE, 1nK?.."

"Uhhh, sure Ruru"

'Then when Ink came to me I pushed away my haphephobia and lifted him bridal style, I sat down on the blue bean bag and placed him on my lap
Phew, I'm lucky I'm not glitching that much..'


"1.. w4nT c-CuDdLeS... fRoM y0u 1nKy"

"I-Inky?! I-I"

'Gosh, he was so cute. He had rainbow blush all over him and looked so cute.. So fuck it, I'm kissing him'

Ink's POV:

'Error randomly picked me up and placed me on his lap when he sat down.. He said he wanted- C-CUDDLES?! FR-FROM M-ME?!-
Then suddenly his face came closer to mine.. T-Then h-he KI-KISSED ME?! His(non-existent)lips touching mine.. I kissed back and wanted this moment to last forever... I never thought he would think of me this way.... After he stopped I blush INTENSEDLY..'

"4wWwWwW.. 1s Th3 sHoRtY iN l0v3 w1tH m3?"
Error said in a less sarcastic way

"S-shut up Ruru.."

"C'm0n 1nKy, Y'kNoW 1'm JuSt KidDiNg. 1 tHiNk k1Ki f1tS y0u bEtTeR sHorTy"

'I, of course was flustered by the compliment, I went back a little bit far from his position. I LOOKED LIKE A FUCKING SKITTLE BAG! Shit- He noticed-'

"Y'kNoW k1Ki, wE c0uLd CudDle AgAiN iF y0u WaNt m3 t0 m4k3 iT uP t0 y0u"

"O-okay.. But I wanna snuggle onto your sweater"

'With what I said, I jumped into his arms and snuggled with Error.. He was so warm, we stayed like that for a bit but I fell asleep'

Error's POV:

'The squid is asleep, oh asgore he is just so cute.. I went to his house placed him on the bed and gently layed next to him, I hugged him and fell asleep.. I'm so happy that I was able to do that...'

"Hey guys! Creator here, I just wanna say that chapter 3 will probably come a bit late. My exams are tomorrow and that's why, well see you guys on tuesday! And please remember that none of these artwork belongs to me. Byee! ~♡"

"Desired Love" ErrorInk Fic(Sin-free)Where stories live. Discover now