Chapter 19: "The Christmas Party, Part 1"

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Idk what the actual f*ck am I doing with my life right now but if a chapter can satisfy you guys, I guess it's worth a shot to upload a chapter each day for ya'll. I hope this chapter pleases you pals

{~ Ink's POV: ~}

'After Swap told me what he needed to say, we both said our goodbyes and I closed the door. I went back upstairs to see Error quietly play with his strings, I sat down next to him and that's when he started with the questions'

"Wh0 wAś At Th3 d0øR 1ńKÿ?"

"It was just Swap glitchy, he told me he was hosting some kind of Christmas party. He said it starts at Dec. 24"

"Ah 0k, 1 š3ē . TÿPîCāL śWáP"

"Heh, so are you planning to come? Swap said we could both come since he is inviting everyone we know after all"

"HmM . . . MäYb3? 1'm NøT r3äLlY šUr3. 1 gUêSś ¡f YøUr CôMîNg Th3n !'m CøMįNg Tó0"

"Alright, so I guess we're both coming?"

"1 gUėSš Sø?"

"So it settled then, we're both going to attend the Party"

'After our short so-called discussion, he scooched over to me and placed me on his lap. There  he goes again, snuggling me from behind. I expected this from Error, I know he isn't like the type of person to be clingy but once he gets comfortable being around you that's when he starts being clingy, sort of like a bottom but also a top at the same time. Quite confusing I know, Error can be.. Complicated sometimes. But that's why I love him, he tries his best to show love and affection to me even when he knows he already given me enough. I guess you could say I am lucky to have him, yeah I know I'm quite cheesy heh. Soon enough we both fell asleep like that'

{~ Time Skip ~}

(To when they stopped cuddling)

{~ Error's POV ~} 

'I woke up with a pillow in my arms  instead of Inky, I'm guessing he's already awake, I let go of the pillow and went downstairs to check if he's doing anything, I was right. He was drawing on the couch. I wonder what time it is though, I checked the clock, oh it was 3:46 pm already. I fell asleep for 3 hours huh?'

"HėY 1ńKÿ, WâTčHā DrAw1ńG?"

"Oh, hey Ruru. I'm just doodling, again"

"Wh0 áRê YøU d0ōDłįNg Th3n?"

"Just . . Two children I've seen in my dreams . . . I have no idea why they were in my dreams though, I don't even know them but somehow they also look familiar to me . . . ."

"HmMm . . HøW äRé Th3ÿ 1ń YøUr Dr3âM's 1f YøU DøN't RēCōGń1z3 tHėM?"

"To be honest I don't know either, I'm going to ask this to Dream as soon as I am able to contact him . Since he's been busy lately maybe I might be able to ask him about it on the party event"

"0kAÿ, 1 h0p3 h3 1ś AbLė Tø SōLv3 tHę Pr0bLëM"

"I hope so too glitchy"

I feel like I have writers block now-

Nah jk jk

I always get new ideas :))

Gosh I need motivation-

I am losing mine ;-;

Well bye Luvs see ya'll soon <3

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