Chapter 3: "Is it real..?"

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Ink's POV:

'When I woke up I blinked a few times to get used to the light, after blinking I opened my eyes and oh.. I was on my bed, inside my room..I guess it was just a dream... Of course Error would never kiss me, I am soulless after all... Until I heard warm breathing behind my back, I turned around to see.. ERROR?! Oh, my, GOSHJDJSJDJDJDJJD! HE WAS BESIDE ME, CUDDLING ME THE ENITIRE NIGHT?! I was blushing so much, I felt my face become warm! I was flustered, OH GOSH OH GOSH OH GOSHHHHH!! FUCK, ERROR OPENED HIS EYES! Shit, my entire face was covered in rainbow blush!! He looked at me for a minute and with a dust of yellow blush, he said

"m0rNiNg, Sh0RtY"

"Excuse me?! SHORTY?!?!"
I replied.
He said;

"hAd A g0oD sLeEp Kik1? d1d YoU eNj0y mY cUdDles?"
Of course, he would really flirt at a time like this, I turned around so he would know I'm mad at him. What an idiot, then I said

"Shut up, Glitchy. The only reason why you cuddled with me the entire night was because I was asleep, asshole"

"4wWwWw, 1s 1nKy MaD? MaYbE a KiSs MiGhT mAk3 y0u FeEl bEtTeR k1Ki"

Then after that he turned me around, cupped my face with his hand and with that he kissed me, again, how annoying!

"DiD tHaT mAk3 y0u FeEl BeTtEr Kik1?"

Of course it did, I loved it. But I was afraid to say it, so instead I said

"Shut up you perverted glitch bitch."

"DiDn'T kNoW y0u HaD tHe GuTs t0 SwEaR"

"Didn't know you had the guts to make bullshits."

"fAiR Po1nT"

"I guess I won this time eh glitchy?"

"f1n3, y0u WiN. BuT 1'm sTiLl ToP s1nCe 1'm TaLleR tHaN y0u 1nKbL0t Sh0rTy"

"Yeah, yeah just shut up pineapple face. And let me go so I can make breakfast"

"Th4t'S aLl? YoU w0n'T eVeN b0tHeR gIvInG m3 m0rNiNg KiSsEs 1nKy?"

"Morning Kisses? Error no, you already got 2"

"h0w 4b0uT y0u LeT m3 k1sS y0u?"


"1'lL sTiLl KiSs y0u 1nKbLot, 3vEn 1f y0u LiKe 1t 0r NoT"

When he said that he sat next to me and gave me kisses all over my face

"Hah! S-Stop, It Ti-tickles ahahahaha!"

Error's POV:

'The Inkblot laughed as I tickled his face with my kisses, I loved seeing him smile. Somehow it made me smile too..'

"Hah! S-Stop, It Ti-tickles ahahahaha!"

'Seeing him laugh this much made me wanna kiss him on his(again non-existend) lips.. I never enjoyed seeing someone laugh and smile, other than my old friends.. I wanted Ink to be my lover, I wanted to be with him forever... But somehow it felt a little too early for me....'

"4lRiGht 1nKy, 1'lL l3t y0u g0. BuT oNly b3c4uSe 1'm HuNgRy"

"Alright, I'll go make some hot cocoa with brownies! I know how much you love chocolate, I'll also go and make myself some skittle cookies."

"hEh, 1 nEvEr KnEw y0u CoUlD bAkE 1nKbLot"

"Error, I could do other stuff than just draw, paint and create stuff with broomie. You do realize I am multi-talented" (if thats a thing or whatever)

'Oh, so he is multi-talented. I mean I did expect that especially from a god of creation himself but I never thought it would be real. Wow, he is so perfect.. Sometimes I just wanna stare at him, and think of how amazing he is...'

Third person(No one's POV)

Ink and Error went downstairs, Ink baked skittle cookies and brownies while Error was sitting on the table. Ink finished baking and placed it on the counter for it to cool off, then he started making hot cocoa for him and Error. After placing the delicacies on the table they began eating and talking like a normal couple would-
Shut up Ink and stick to the script. Anyways, after eating Ink took the dishes and washed them. Then Error came and gave him a gentle hug and placed his head on Ink's shoulder, Ink was blushing but didn't mind because Error's hug was quite more comfortable than he thought. After staying like that Ink finished washing the dishes and told Error;

"Hey Error why don't we watch a movie in my living room? I think it would be fun!"

"AlRiGhT k1Ki, 1'lL g0 mAkE Us SoMe p0pCoRn"

Because I was in a rush since my mom told me I had to review for my exams. Thanks for reading anyway, wanna see what happens next? Stay tuned!

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