Chapter 8:"Cuddles"

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Error's POV:

'As soon as I came back to the anti-void, I decided to knit a doll version of Ink.. Yeah, I guess I could say I love him... So I began knitting, after a few hours I finished him. I gave him a star and square shaped button eyes(if it's fucking real or whatever-), then I knitted broomie aswell. Yup, as much as I hate that broomstick, he was Ink's favorite thing. But it wasn't that precious to him, because he had a more valuable thing. Probably from a relative or an old friend of his, it was some sort of mask. It looked weird, but also looked old.. It must've been owned by a person Ink really cares about... I guess he lost an loved one too.. Wow, I guess we have alot of things in common I guess.I do like Ink, Alot.. No. I fucking love him... BUT WHY DO I KEEP SAYING THAT?! Am I..? Somehow obsessed with him...? N-NO.. I can't be... Right?.. Well, I can't really deny my feelings.... I heard a sploshing sound, must be Ink'

"Heya Error!"

"nEeD s0m3tHiNg 1nKy?"

"No, not really. I'm just bored, the creators don't really need me at the moment."

"y0uR hEr3 b3cAuSe YoU wAnT t0 cUdDle WiTh m3 d0n'T y0u?"

"Alright alright, you caught me."

"c'MeRe 1nKy."

'As he came closer to me I pick him up bridal style and placed him on my lap, again.'

Ink's POV:

'As ruru placed me on his lap I snuggled onto his chest and placed my arms around his shoulder, he placed his arms around my waist and we stayed like that for awhile.'

"Kik1, sHoUld We ReAlLy ßeCom3 A c0uPl3?.. 1t'S jUsT bEcAuSe We AlWaYs AcT l1k3 w3 aRe DaTiNg..."

'I immediately stopped hugging him because of my flustration.. I blushed so hard I covered half of my face with my scarf'

"I-I don't know Ruru.. What if the creators don't want that to happen?... Your meant to destroy and I'm ment to create.. You know why, because of the balance..."

"1 kNoW iNkY.. i JuSt ReAlLy L-l0v3 Y-y0u..."


'I WAS SO FLUSTERED MY ENTIRE FACE WAS COVERED IN RAINBOW BLUSH, shit- Error noticed me of course and chuckled a bit'

"y0u CaN tHiNk Ab0uT iT iF y0u WaNt Kik1"

"Okay ruru, I guess that's fine"

'YEAH, IT WAS DEFINITELY NOT FINE, I wanted to say yes so bad.. But I can't... Because who knows how the creators will react?....'

"Is this another cliffhanger? Don't care but thank you for reading this short as fuck, shitty chapter. Byee ^^"

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