Chapter 22: "Confession Number Two"

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|| I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO MAKE THIS CHAPTER COME OUT SOONER! It was my brothers birthday and I wasn't able to get my hands on my phone until today :')

Also the reason why I named this Confession number two is because I wanted to name this Confession but I remembered there was already a chapter named like that and I didn't want to cause confusion. I didn't know what else to name this chapter so that's another reason why the title is like that-

Well enjoy I guess! ||

[• Dust' POV: •]

'Oh god how exactly do I explain this to him?.. What do I do? What do I say? Will he even understand me? OhgodohgodohgodOHGOD! Why am I panicking so hard about something like this?'

"Uhmmm.. Swap..."

"Hmm? What is it?" 

"This is... Kinda hard to explain.... Especially to you.."

"Then explain it in a way I could understand!"

'He was starting to act like the Swap I know. Hyper, energetic, would always offer a helping hand and do anything to be able to help someone's problems'

"Well I uhh... I-.. I THINK YOUR A REALLY GREAT PERSON AND I LIKE YOU MORE THAN JUST A FRIEND! EVER SINCE WHAT HAPPENED EARLIER I WAS AFRAID TO TALK TO YOU BECAUSE I WAS SCARED THAT SAYING THIS AT THE WRONG TIME WILL RUIN OUR FRIENDSHIP AND I REALLY DON'T WANNA LOSE YOU!!" 'I said as fast as I can, after I said that I immediately pulled my hood down to hide my face. I took a peek at Swap and he looked surprised and he seemed to look flustered due to his face being covered in blue blush, I stopped pulling my hood and look at the opposite direction of Swap. He tapped my shoulder, and once I looked at him he pulled my jacket to make my face closer to his and he k-KISSED ME!? OhgodohgodohgodOHGOD! He and I pulled back from the kiss and he smiled at me while stopping his grip on my jacket, I pulled my hood to hide my face once again and he started to laugh a bit. I let go of my grip and looked at him all flustered, he said:'

"I like you too silly! What do you think that dare earlier was for? Ink did say I had to kiss my secret 'crush' right?"

'He did say tha- WAIT HUH!? I-I WAS HIS C-CRUSH!? SO THAT'S WHY INK MADE HIM DO THAT DARE! AND THAT'S WHY KILLER WAS TEASING ME ABOUT IT!! Oh Ink you little bitch, you're next after I beat the shit out of Killer. Those 2 emotionless assholes are dead. Damn it I didn't noticed I was a blushing mess, when I looked at Swap he was already laughing while I was just here flustered on the couch'

"Wow I never thought you actually never realized that! Hahaha! Y'know now that we confessed to eachother do you think we should... make it official..?"

"Oh yea su- WAIT WHAT!?- Y-you a-nd.. M-me?! Of-Official?! I-I-"

"D-Do you not want to?.. I mean- We could always wait! Y-yea if you're not okay with it..."

"N-No! It's fine really! I mean I guess we could... Make it official...."


'He suddenly jumped off the couch and hugged me. I felt his warm happy tears land on my cold shoulders, wow he was actually this happy to hear my answer? I hugged him back and rubbed circles on his back to comfort him.'

"Hey, hey.. It's okay, don't cry. It's fine"

"No no I'm not crying, it's just that *sniff* I'm so happy.."

"Well it's okay now, no need to cry. Calm down, for me please?.."

'He started calming down and stopped crying. He stopped hugging me but put his arms around my neck, laid his head on my chest and sat on my lap. I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid  down, we fell asleep like that. I wonder if Dream woke up and saw us like this, I hope not..'

|| YES I FINALLY FINISHED THIS! 600+ WORDS AHAAAA! I hope you enjoyed Luvs! Thanks for reading and bye ya'll! <3 ||

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