Chapter 21: "What happened after the party?"

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|| Hey Luvs! I noticed that in the past few chapters I sorta forgot to add an ErrorInk picture for ya'll in the past few chapters so this time I'll give you guys a Christmas gift and give you guys one of my ErrorInk picture that I have in my collection! Anyways I don't really have anything else to say so enjoy this chapter ya'll! <3 ||

[• Narrator's POV: •]

'After the Christmas Party Ink ended up having to bring Error home due to the fact that he lost his sober, that must've been quite challenging for the short squid but he managed to deal with it. Once he got home he brought Error to their room and carefully placed him on their bed. As Ink stood up and was about to leave, Error held onto his hand tightly. For a sleeping being he held onto Ink's hand as if he we're still awake, Error quietly mumbled:'

"1ńKÿ . . StAÿ Pł3åSê . . ."

" *sigh* Okay glitchy, I'll stay."

'Error's lips(?) curled into a smile as Ink lays beside him, Error gently pulled Ink closer and the squid started snuzzling his skull onto the sleepy glitch's chest. They soon fell asleep like that, now it makes me wonder.. What happened to Swap and Dust after what happened at the Christmas Party?'

[• Swap's POV: •]

(At the Star's base)

'After the party I ended up overthinking about the dare Ink gave me earlier.. I have a feeling Dust hates me now, ever since that dare Ink made me do earlier Dust seemed to ignore me everytime I greet him. Damn you Ink, your the reason why Dust started acting like this, if I didn't do that stupid dare he would still be talking to me and we would still be good friends.. Or maybe it's because he's just in bad mood?... I don't even know anymore. I guess I can try to ask or atleast find a way to talk to Dust without him leaving, maybe then I could let him be and give him a little space. I guess that does sound okay and maybe our friendship might continue once again..? Then I suddenly heard knocking on the door, who would be at the door this late at night? Ink is probably at home with Error and Dream is already asleep in his room. I stood up from the couch and walked over to open the front door, and I saw Dust?..'

"Oh uhm.. Heya Dust! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be asleep right now?"

"I should be asking you that too Swap, why are you still awake at this time?"

"Well Uhhh... I-I'm just thinking about.. Y'know the dare Ink made me do?...."

"Some thing tells me that you're  thinking about something else other than that, please be honest with me Swap. What else were you thing about?"

"I- uhmm.. C-can we talk about in inside? It must be cold out there"

'I then closed the door once he got in, I told him to sit down on the couch and wait for me to get something for us. I went to the kitchen and made some hot cocoa for us to drink since it's getting quite cold, I walked outside of the kitchen holding 2 mugs with hot cocoa and marshmallows. I placed them on the living room coffee table and I sat next to Dust'

"Well are you going to start explaining or what?"

"W-well.. You see ever since I k-kissed you, you started getting abit distant around me... As if you don't wanna see me again.... And I thought you were just in a bad mood or maybe you hated me for what I did.. I want to ask you, d-do you no longer see me as a friend of yours?..."

[• Dust's POV: ]

'I froze as I heard the last sentence he said, did he really think I would hate him for a kiss?.. I mean I kinda liked it...I feel so guilty ignoring him and not even telling him why. I didn't mean to hurt him, I just wanted some space is all.... I turned my skull to face Swap, I sighed and said:'

"N-no! Of course not.. I-I'm sorry... I shouldn't have ignored you and instead just asked you to give me some space.... I d-didn't mean to make you think that.."

"It's alright Dust, I know it's quite hard to say you need space to a friend especially if you're afraid to hurt them.. I understand your reason, but I am curious... Why was Killer teasing you after I kissed you? What's his deal?"

'I let out a quiet embarrassed sound, as purple blush dusted(ahaha get it? Because his name is Dust) my cheeks. Oh Killer you stupid motherfucker, you are dead to me once I get back. Then I calmed myself down and asked myself.. Should I tell him?...'

|| AAAAAAAA FINALLY I MADE A LONG CHAPTER FOR YA'LL! 800+ WORDS LETS GOOOOOOO! I hope you guys loves your Christmas present from me :)

I also hope you loved the presents your family got you, but if they didn't give you anything it's okay! Atleast I gave you my present for you! Love you guys, stay determined and Merry Christmas!! <33 ||

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