Sequel Prologue

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(A li'l epilogue for y'all! I don't want to be much of a spoiler so it'll be short)

Ink was in the doodle sphere, surrounded by millions of liquid-like portals to different various AUs.

Some of the AUs light shone through the portal as Ink's ring reflected the luminous ray, making the spot Ink was standing on dimly light up.

He was checking which AUs needed repairing, or are too corrupted to be repaired and needed to be destroyed by his lovely husband Error who he married a few months ago.

It's almost been a year since Error's proposal, and he and Ink were happy with their new life.

Still Ink felt like his life wasn't complete yet, like he still needed something..

But what is it? He shook off that thought and continued checking the AUs, until he noticed one that was pale and messy

Shuddering at the thought of this AU's blankness, he jumped into the portal and started looking around at anything other than the white void

It was one of the battle fields where him and Error fought for what felt like an eternity, he frowned at the thought if those memories.

He hated them, no no..

He despised them, these memories reminded him of the times he hurt Error. The love of his life, bleeding all because of him.

He snapped into reality when he heard crying... Who was here? Why are they here? And most importantly, how did they get here?..

He approached the noise, trying to find the monster or human creating the noise in this almost empty AU. Struggling to get through the spilled paint and his lover's strings messed up on the floor and ceiling. 

He finally reached the source of the crying, and saw..

A child?..

They looked an awfully lot like...

A mix of him and Error..

Surprised, Ink tugged at a few strings from his pocket. Signaling Error that he needs to come to where he is, Error noticed this and teleported to where Ink was.

"Love? What's the matter? Why'd you call me here?" Error questioned

"L-look, t-that child.. Looks an awfully lot like us..." Ink responded

"Wher-" Error was cut off by shock when he looked at the kid, the child did look like them. A mix of both their looks, could it be..?

"E-Error, is it...

Our child?.."


To be continued...


Look who decided to finally upload a Sequel Prologue? This bitch right here✋

Anyways, the sequel will come soon

The title will be " '𝐀 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞' 𝘿𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙎𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙡" 

Creative right? Eh not really, but I don't have any other name ideas so yeh. 

Mk peace, Author out✌️

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