Chapter 6: "The Sleepover, Part 3"

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"Heya guys! Before this story starts, I just wanna say how happy I am for all of the amazing comments and compliments you gave me! I am so happy for all for your support, and good news: I PASSED MY MATH EXAM!! Hooray! Anyways, here is Chapter 6 as a thank you!

Ink's POV:

'After watching the 3-hour-movie, I fell asleep. I have a feeling Error placed me down on my bed and cuddled me again, I squinted my eyes open.'

"Urghhhh, my head hurts..."
I whispered to myself, and if course, Error was cuddling me. I slowly backed up from his arms and sat up. I walked to the window and I opened the curtains. I walked and bent down to Error and said;'

"Ruru, wake up. Its 9am already"

"F1v3 m0r3 m1nUt3s 1nKy.."

'Luckily, I had an idea to wake him up.'

"Well, since Error is still asleep, I guess I'll just give HIS morning kisses to... Broomie!'

'And when I said that, he opened his eyes and sat up quickly and said;'

"1 aM N0T g0iNg t0 l3t y0u GiVe mY k1sSeS t0 tHaT sTuPiD bRuSh!"

"Oh good,your awake. I'll go make breakfast now."

"βuT iNkY wHaT aBoUt mY k1sSeS?"


'Then I kissed him on his cheek,but he suddenly said;'

"ThAt'S aLl?"

"Shut up glitchy, and deal with it."

'What an idiot, but he's my idiot and I love him. Alot.'

\\~Time Skip~//

Error's POV:

'Gosh, the Inkblot's really cute. I really want to become an couple with him.. Maybe, I should ask him out? Like a date or something? I guess so... But I might just need help, and I think I should ask help from *sigh* him.... I don't really have any other choice, welp I'll go ask him later. I heard Kiki say;'

"Ruru, breakfast is ready!"

'So I replied with;'

"c0m1nG iNkY!"

Third Person(No one's POV)

As Ink and Error ate their breakfast, Error remembered what Swap said yesterday. So he decided to say it to Ink.

"HeY, iNk. SwAp CaMe HeRe LaSt NiGhT. h3 t0lD m3 tHaT h3 aNd DrEaM wAnTeD t0 iNv1t3 y0u To A sLeEp0v3r 4t DrEaM's PlAcE."

"Oh, he did? Okay, I guess I'll come to the sleepover then. I'll go and invite Lust aswell, he may be from a sinny AU but he is still Swap's best friend."

"0k4y, WhAt3vEr y0u WaNt 1nKbLot."

"Can you stop calling me that Error?"

"AlRiGht, Kik1 iT iS tHeN."

"Seriously? *sigh* Well it is better than Inkblot I guess."

'Hehe, Ink gave me a pouty face. He looked so cute, with a dust of rainbow blush on his cheeks. Gosh damnit, I really wanna date him. He was so perfect..'

"MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, Another cliffhanger ehehehehehe. I hope you liked this chapter, see ya'll soon Slushies!"

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