Chapter 7:"The Sleepover,Part 4"

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"Heya guys, thank you so much for your support, and thank u for making my day better. I used to always be un-motivated but your comments made me feel alot better than I expected! Also this is a time skip to an evening, Enjoy!"

Dream's POV:

'Me and Swap started decorating for the sleepover, he made a fort and I think he is really proud of it because of how much positivity he was emitting. I placed some board games next to the sleeping bags, and put some snacks on the coffee table. Swap also made tacos of course, well he made 8 because he knows Ink is going to bring an guest. I mean, we have been a trio for 10 years and we all know eachother very well already. After we finished decorating, it was already 6:30pm. Why isn't Ink here yet? Didn't Swap tell him to come 10 minutes before 7pm? He would always come 20 minutes earlier'

"Hey Swap"

"Yes? Do you need something Dream?"

"Did you tell Ink that the sleepover is going to start at 7?"


"Oh, alright"

'That was really weird, Swap would never forget about something. That isn't
like him at all, something's not right here..'

Ink's POV:

'After eating breakfast Error changed into his usual clothes and went back to the anti-void, I didn't really have anything to do so I just went to go grab some more groceries. After doing that I made myself some lunch, and got ready for the sleepover and then my phone rang.'

*Ink picks up*


"Hello Ink! Just to remind you, the Sleepover starts at 7pm! Sorry I didn't tell you earlier Mwehehe..."

"Oh, that's fine Swap. I was just about to get ready anyways."

"Alright! See you at the sleepover Ink!"

"See ya!"

*Swap hangs up*

'Well, I'll go text Lust then'

*In text*

🌈✨-Hey Lust!

💜💅-Oh hello Ink, need something darling?

🌈✨-Not really, I'm just here to invite you to a sleepover at Dream's place

💜💅-Oh sure! I would love to have a sleepover with you guys! I'll go get ready!

🌈✨-Okay, thanks Lust!

💜💅-No problem Sweetheart!

'Well now that thats taken care of, I'll just go and continue getting ready'

Third Person(No one's POV)

After Ink and Lust got ready, they came to the sleepover. They played board games, they played never have I ever and Swap lost but it was okay for him, they played chubby bunny, and other lots of fun

\\~Time Skip to morning~//
(When they are saying their goodbyes)

"Thanks for the sleepover and tacos for breakfast Swap and Dream!"

"Thanks aswell darling! See you soon!"

"Bye Guys!"

"Bye everyone!"

"And thats all for chapter 7 guys! Thank u for reading! Byee ~♡"

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