Chapter 4:"The Sleepover, Part 1"

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"Hey guys, sorry for randomly posting this, but I hope you enjoy this! ~♡"

\\~Blue's POV~//

I was really bored, I decided to go to Dream's place to talk to him. But of course, I had to ask Papy first. Let's see how this goes..

Speech signs:
Carrot(US! Paps)

"Hey Paps, do you mind if I go to Dream's place? I really bored and it is our day off right?"

"Sure Sans, just don't get into fights this time. You know what happened the last time you went to Dream's place"

"Yes Papy, I remember. Don't worry I'll stay safe"

Phew, I was glad he still let me go to Dream's house. I mean, the last time I went there Nightmare and his gang were already attacking Dream and Ink while they were having a conversation with tea. I teleported to Dream's and saw him reading an old book, it seemed to be an novel. He really seemed to like it, I didn't wanna startle him so I simply said;

"Hey Dream"

He turned around and said

"Oh, hello blue. What are you doing here?"

"Well I didn't really have anything to do since it was me and Papy's day off. So I decided to come to you and ask if we could invite Ink to a sleepover here at your place."

"Well I can say it has been quite a while since the 3 of us had time to hangout together.. Well I guess I can't say no to that!"

"Alrighty I'll go call Ink over!"

"EHEHEHEHE CLIFFHANGER AGAIN MWUAHAHAHAHAH. Sorry if this is short, I was in a rush since I was making this while reviewing for a test. Thank you for 18 views and 5 votes btw! Ilysm! ^^"

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