Chapter 20: "Christmas Party, Part 2"

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I added a few ship scenes in this to make ya'll a little more pleased with this chapter, but I apologize if you don't ship the ships included in this. Enjoy Luvs! <3

Warning: this has a bit of swearing

{~ Ink's POV ~}

'The Christmas Party is today, it starts later at 6pm. Me and Error got ready and wore the sweaters Swap offered us and a Christmas hat of course!(I apologize I do not know what it's called ;-;)'

{~ Time skip ~}

(To when they arrived at the party)

'Swap is talking to his Paps right now, Fell and Classic are having a conversation and as usual Fell is acting like a damn tsundere while Classic is to blind to notice how he was acting in the situation. Damnit why can't those two just date already? I can't really interfere with the creators script so I'll just let them be(INK NO BREAKING THE DAMN FOURTH WALL YOU MOTHERFUCKER) then suddenly Swap pushed me onto a door frame and I was able to stop myself from falling, wonder why he did that? Then suddenly someone pushed Error onto me, he was able to hold himself and me to stop both of us from falling flat on the floor. Then Error suddenly looked and up and he started.. Blushing? He didn't blush that hard though, just enough for me to notice. I looked up aswell and I found out Swap pushed us both under a... MISTLETOE!? Oh I swear I'm going to kick Swap's stupid ass, then I heard Swap chant "kiss, kiss!" until everyone starting chanting it aswell. Oh Swap you're definitely screwed  after this, then Error started leaning his skull over to mine. WAIT IS HE REALLY GOING TO DO IT!? INFRONT OF ALMOST EVERYONE!? OhgodohgodohgodOHGODDD!! I know me and Error kissed a few times, BUT WE HAVE NEVER KISSED IN PUBLIC! It just feels to embarrassing to kiss infront of others. Then I felt his(non-existent) lips touch mine, oh god I was like a blushing mess! My face looked like a fresh bag of skittles, then Error leaned back from the kiss and the room was filling with 'oooo's. Swap planned this entire thing didn't he? Oh he is so dead to me, but I think I might know a way to get revenge. After we played some games I recommended playing "Truth or Dare" Swap ofcourse though it was a good idea since he wanted to make me kiss Error again, but this time it will be him kissing someone. I always knew he had a crush on someone(nope I ain't gonna give ya'll a spoilers, deal with it) so as soon as it was my turn to dare/ask someone, I picked Swap'

"Hey Swap, truth or dare?"


'I have a feeling he knows what I'm planning, but there's no way for him to get out of this situation. If he chooses truth I'll just ask him who is crush is, but even if he chooses dare I'll just dare him to kiss the person he likes. So there's no running back now Swap, you'll have no choice but to expose your secret crush'

"I-I choose.... Dare I guess.."

'I dare you to... KISS YOUR SECRET CRUSH!"

'Everyone looked shocked, except for me and Dream of course, I mean we both already knew who he likes. I do hope he has the confidence to actually do my dare'


'Swap stood up and walked to a corner where Dust/Murder/whatever you call him and whispered to him to bend down'

"I-I'm sorry for doing this.. So f-forgive me first okay?"

'Then he kissed him! He actually had the confidence to do it ahahaha! Karma's a bitch Swap. Swap immediately backed of from the kiss and quickly sat down while Dust became a blushing mess, then Killer walked over to Dust and I heard Killer teasing him about how Swap revealed that he has a crush on Dust. While Dream and I were teasing Swap about it. Then it was Error's turn to ask, he then chose Geno and Geno choosed truth not wanting to be dared to kiss Reaper. Then it just continued and continued. After the game we went over to eat at the dining room, Error was put into a game and had to drink whiskey or something and is starting to lose his sober. I just hope he doesn't end up fucking me once we get home(pray for Ink ya'll)

Okay that's all for this chapter-

I'm getting tired of typing ;-;

Wow 700+ words I'm proud✨

See ya'll later bye Luvs! Stay determined and Merry Christmas <3

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