Chapter 24: "A Couple's Day"

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|| Hello luvs, I feel much better now and I no longer feel sick! Thank you to the supporters who wished me to get well soon <3

Sorry that this had to take long, my motivation was slowly fading away especially since I have my own problems aswell like my unstable sanity and some of my mental disorders

Thank you all so much to the people who supported me and read this fanfic, I only made this for fun and I still find writing this enjoyable especially when I know it's for you guys! I've gone through so much things and your support has helped me well through my pain, I am very thankful for you all. Alright no more chitchat this was the chapter you all have been waiting for! Also this chapter is a little skip to autumn season where Error and Ink are already engaged and btw, Dream and Cross are already married here and they already have Lux. Okay onto the chapter! ||

[• Narrator's POV: •]

'Error and Ink walk through the park with clasped hands, the couple gazed at the beautiful sunrise sight as the water shimmers brighter and brighter as the sun arises to the sky. Both were wearing cloaks, their scarfs, gloves and comfy boots. The falling leaves become welcomed to the ground as a few bikes and people past the lovers during their small walk around the park, Error felt Ink's warm breathing as Ink slowly lays his head on his lover's shoulder. They continue walking and stop by for some nice cream, nothing but a good old taste of frozen sweetness after the walk they had. As Error and Ink slowly and silently eat their nice cream they see a few children playing around pass by them, the parents of the children call for them to come and have a picnic in the middle of the park. Ink found it adorable as he laughed quietly upon the sight of seeing energetic, playful kids in the park. Error noticed it seemed to brighten him up, knowing his little inkblot is fond with children. As they finish eating up their nice cream Error and Ink decided to stay here and enjoy the sight of peace first before going back home, Ink lays his head onto Error shoulders as Error wraps an arm around him and rests his head on Ink's. They suddenly heard their names being called, they turn around to see Dream and Cross, whom are also taking a small walk. The two couples soon were close to eachother, Ink began to run towards Dream being happy about the fact that he has encountered with a friend of his. Dream and Ink hugged eachother tightly and once they let go they started having a conversation like always, seeing an old friend you haven't seen in so long is a pretty great feeling I could say. Plus both the couples have a decent friendship with eachother so they wouldn't mind having a conversation together, once again they started walking all while maintaining the conversation to keep going. Today seemed to go well, better than expected actually'

"So Ink, how have you and Error been? Have you two made any plans for the future or something? Like y'know having your own family?" Error and Ink both had an blank faces with a hint of blush at the corner of their eye sockets as they continued walking and still processing what Dream said.

"Well we don't really have that much plans, I mean we aren't really sure if we could have our own family yet.. I'm not saying it would be bad I'm just saying... Maybe it's a bit too early?...." Ink replied in a calm yet slightly concerned voice.

"Well alright, whatever you think is right for you. I'll always support your decision Ink, just as long as it's reasonable."

"Well Dream and I need to go back home, Lux is about to go home from school and we don't want her home alone without any adult supervision. We'll see you next time Error and li'l bro! Hope you guys can visit us sometime" Cross said as he and Dream walked away.

'Error and Ink decided to go home aswell, since they didn't have anything else to do. While walking home the couple starts to plan a few things to do for the rest of the day to spend some time together cherishing every moment they could make'

|| Man I almost CRIED when I wrote this, this must be the most wholesome and fluffy chapter I've written😭 (Holy sh*t 700+ words I'm proud✨)

Hope ya'll enjoyed though! Love ya'll and have a great day dear reader! <3 ||

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