Chapter 23: "New Years Eve"

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|| Before the story starts I just wanna say HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! 🎆🎉🥳

Enjoy the story! ||

[- Ink's POV: -]

'I woke up next to a sleepy glitchy with his arms around me, he still isn't awake huh? I move his arms off me, I stood up and walked out of our room to go downstairs and make us some breakfast. I walked to the kitchen, grabbed my apron and grabbed a few ingredients from the fridge. I began cooking for me and Error along with a little humming, after I was finished I placed the plates on the table and returned my apron back where it should be. I left the kitchen, and went upstairs to wake up Error. I walked to our bed and started gently shaking his shoulder to wake him up'

"Ruru, breakfast is ready! Time to get up!"

"F¡Vé MøRė MįNūTęS 1ńKÿ . . . "

"Glitchy no, I t's time to get up. C'mon I don't want you to miss breakfast!"

"UgHhHh . . FíNėEë . . . "

'Finally, I thought I would have to spill water on his face to make him wake up. Guess he got lucky he won't be soaked in cold water, wonder if he won't be lucky next time tho. Eh whatever. I walked out of our room and back into the kitchen while Error follows me, we sat on the dinner table and started eating. Then I remember, today is New Years Eve. That means Swap's New Year party will start soon later, might as well tell it to Error'

"Hey Ru, do you remember what day it is today?"

"¥ė4h , 1t'S ń€w ¥éAr'$ êVë . AńD sWâP iS g0ńNá Hø$t A pArTÿ AgAįN"

"You make it sound like you hate the fact that he hosts a party every time an event comes, What's so bad about that?"

"Nø 1 DøN't HäTē Th€ FåCt ThAt Hę Hø$t$ PâRt1ėS ēVèRÿTįMê Ań €v3nT ć0m3s , 1t'S jUśT tHâT . . 1 ń€v3r ExPëRį€ńCéD tHí$ mUçH ēVéNt$ bAčK wHèN 1 Uš3d Tø ßé Ał0ñ€ . . . "

"Well Glitchy those kinds of moments are gone! You have me, your old friend Nightmare and the others! Your not alone anymore Ruru, and you don't even have to worry about it. Because I promise you that it will never happen.. Okay?..."

'Even though I now promises can't be kept for long.. I swear that I will try my best to keep mine...'

|| Hey ya'll! Sorry if this was quite short, I didn't really have any ideas of what will happen before the New Years Eve party so forgive me! But thanks for reading this and have a great day! <3 ||

&quot;Desired Love&quot; ErrorInk Fic(Sin-free)Where stories live. Discover now