Chapter 5:"The Sleepover,Part 2"

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"Hey guys, creator again. I'm here to say that this will probably the last chapter I'll be able to write today, but I hope you love it! Also this is the continuation of 'Is it real..?' and 'The Sleepover' Enjoy my Slushies!"

Ink's POV:

'When Ruru finished making the popcorn, I was still curious of what type of movie we should watch. My patience was dying and I was really stressed, yes I know, why would I? Out of all people, be stressed about something small?! After I covered my face with my hands while being in agony, Error came to me'

"Kik1, aRe y0u 0kAy?.."

'He seemed worried about me, I can tell by the tone of his voice. I didn't wanted to trouble him so I just said I was fine'

"Ruru, I'm okay.. You can go and continue making the popcorn"

"1nK, 1 kNoW s0m3tHiNg 1s 0fF.. c'MoN iNkY tElL m3"

"W-well, I didn't wanna worry you so I lied.. I just bring trouble to everyone... I feel useless...."

"Kik1, iTs 0kAy To NoT b3 f1n3.. TrUsT m3 i DeAlT w1tH tHaT t0o..."

'After saying that he gently cupped my chin with his hand and turned my face to his'

"1nKy, 1 kNoW s0m3t1m3s Th1nGs CaN b3 HaRd t0o.. ßuT s0m3t1m3s iT w1lL g3t βeTtEr... 1 pRoMiSe...."

'After he said that he kissed my forehead as an reassurement for me, I'm lucky I had Error by my side, I love him, and this time.. I won't deny falling in love with him'

"n0w Ar3 w3 g0iNg To WaTcH aN m0v1e 0r CuDdLe AlL dAy?"

"Alright Mr. impatient, what movie do you want to watch for our movie date?"

"m0v1e DaTe Eh? LeT's WaTcH aN h0rRoR 0n3 tHeN"

"Alrighty Ruru"

'I chose an horror movie with a bit of romance so we could also have some moments together'

\\~Time Skip~//

Error's POV

'The squid was asleep with his head on my lap after the horror movie, heh what an cute Inkblot. I loved how he did cute little snores, and his cheeks with a dust of rainbow blush. He is so perfect, I kissed him on both sides of his cheek, picked him up bridal style and placed him on the bed. Then I heard the bell rang, who would come to Ink's place at a time like this? I didn't want to wake the sleepy squid so I answered the door myself. Oh, it was just Swap'

"Oh hey Error! I didn't know you and Ink would hangout sometimes"

"YeAh, We StArTeD hAnGiNg 0uT aFtEr 0uR tRucE"

"I don't think that was hanging out Error, you definitely love him you fucking idiot. Oh right- I shouldn't interfere with the story-  Carry on."

"That's good, you guys are starting to get to know each other. Anyways, is Ink awake?"

"n0, He FeLl aSlEeP wHeN tHe MoViE fInIsHed. s0 1 t0oK h1m To HiS r0oM s0 h3 c0uLd ReSt."

"Oh! when he wakes up, can you tell him that me and Dream are planning to have an sleepover with Ink. I mean it has been awhile since we hangout together."

"SuRe SwAp"

"Okay thanks Error. I'll get going now, bye!"


'I went upstairs to see the Inkblot asleep, peacefully. I was tired too, so I decided to sleep with him. I gently layed on the bed, slowly turned around Ink, and placed him under my head. He was snuggling onto my chest, heh, he looked comfortable.. I gave him one last kiss on his(non-existent) lips and went to sleep'

"Also guys, quick note; They were already in their pajamas while watching a movie. Thanks for reading this beautiful wholesomeness! 😭"

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