A New Home?

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-A Day After the Operation-

Ghost finally wakes up in what looked like a medical room. He raised his back up as he looked around the white room. Most of it was unfamiliar to him, except for the person who was there treating him.

"Oh, you're awake! How are you feeling? All your wounds are treated, so you shouldn't be feeling too much pain or anything." It was the same medic operator he saved yesterday, and as she made him undergo some standard medical check-ups on him, another familiar figure entered the room. The door swung open, The Radiant Knight, Nearl, made her way into the room and sat down on a vacant chair besides his medical bed.

"Ah, it's good to see that you're finally awake! How are you feeling? That blow yesterday was quite something, I hope your wounds aren't serious" She then asked how he was doing, but her visit wasn't merely just for asking how he was faring, she actually had something to give him, or rather, return to him.

In her hands was something wrapped in a black cloth. She then untied the thin rope that held the cloth, unwrapping the black cloth and revealing underneath his black sword,

"Here you go. It's your sword. I took the liberty of holding onto it while you were knocked down yesterday. Oh, and it was also me who carried you all the way back." Nearl said as she handed over the black sword back to its owner,

"...Thank you.." Ghost said to her, kind of timidly as he took his sword from her hands, his face showed a little smile of gratitude, evident from the wrinkles that formed on his mask, but it immediately disappeared after Nearl noticed it, seemingly almost forced back,

"....Is something wrong? The sword's not broken or anything, is it?" Nearl asked out of some concern after seeing his suspicious behavior towards her.

"...No, it's not..." He answered again, his tone still meek as before.

"That's good, then. Oh, and all your other weapons are in the training room for safekeeping, you can come by and pick it up later when you're feeling a little better" Nearl said to Ghost, who just nodded in acknowledgement. As they were busy chatting away along with the medic operator, the door suddenly swung open once again and another figure then entered the room.

The person had short hair, and wore a light green outfit. She wore a armband  that indicated she herself also had the role of medic. But probably unbeknownst to him, this person before them was more than just a medic here.

"Kal'tsit......" Nearl uttered that person's name with a slightly worried tone to her voice. "I can expla-"

"No need. What you all decided was the right thing. Tell me when he's leaving. I'll arrange for the things that we can help provide for him. It's the least we could do for him for helping us with the operation" She explained briefly to Nearl. Nearl felt a little relieved, knowing that she wasn't mad or anything at him, but Nearl was a little bothered by the fact that it seemed like she'd just easily let him off the hook like that.

Not even one question on who he was or why he even helped, almost like she already knew who he was and didn't need any sort of explanation for that.

Almost as if she was already expecting this.

But just as Kal'tsit was about to make her exit out from the room, Ghost suddenly voiced out and said something to her,

".....Can I...work here?" Nearl was quite surprised to all of a sudden hear that coming from him, but she was even more surprised by Kal'tsit's answer to his request,

"If you want to work, then sure." and as simple as that, Ghost was now a part of Rhodes' Island.

"Are you sure about this, Kal'tsit?" Nearl asked for confirmation as she felt a little curious and mostly just weirded out about why she took him in so easily.

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