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Did he mishear that?
No, he surely didn't.
He heard him perfectly clear and fine.
The man that was just facing off against him was now begging him to save him.


He was left confused by those words. Anyone would be in such a situation. 

The man kept repeating 'Save me,' as he inched closer and closer to Ghost, his whole body shaking and stuttering, like a lost child crushed by the overwhelming weight of fear of being in an unknown place with no idea of anything around him. Ghost hesitated to strike the man seeing him in this pitiful confused state, allowing the man to come close enough until he was within arm's reach.

The sound of a whizzing arrow could be heard,

The man's head spurted blood right in front of her eyes as an arrow penetrated through his head and skull like a piece of paper, all in the blink of an eye. It was Meteor who shot the arrow from a safe distance away behind the front line ruled by melee operators.

"What are you spacing out for, Ghost? We've got more incoming!" But Ghost paid no mind to what she said, as his head was still stuck thinking about the man who once stood alive before him. Why was he saying that? He couldn't draw any conclusions as to why. Was he forced, extortion, trafficked? He couldn't settle with anything. And as if that didn't trouble his consciousness enough, another thought popped into his mind.

'Is everyone here the same as him?'

With that thought in his head, his view of the battlefield had changed. If it's true, then were they all confused people fighting just because they were threatened to? Was that it? If so, then who? Who's the third party? Reunion? No, Reunion for for their beliefs, not one forced. But he couldn't let all these spiraling thoughts fill his head, not right now at least. The lives' of his fellow operators were depending on him, he couldn't just stop fighting for some absurd reason he wasn't certain of.

And so, with a lingering sense of hesitation grasping at his heart, he gripped firm his sword and quickly jumped into battle once again, remembering the same line of words that man said to him every time he encounters another enemy, constantly thinking if this was another enemy, or just another victim.

Dokutah's side on the other hand were faced with their own problem, as their advance were  suddenly brought to a stop by their foe. But not because of all the overwhelming waves of enemies, instead

just because of mere three men.

These three men were a little different from all the other enemies they've faced, as they wore a different colored mask. To be more specific, their masks were jet black, instead of the clear white color the others had outfitted. These three men also had overwhelmingly better team coordination with each other, which was what made them so difficult to fight against for Dokutah's squad.

The three black masked men consisted of one swordsman, one marksman, and one specialist who used double daggers as his main choice of weaponry. The swordsman would take on the role of the vanguard all by himself, and  would be very efficiently supported by both the marksman and the specialist. Even without the incredible chemistry they had with each other, their abilities were also top notch. Agility and strength wise, they all had those to back up their remarkable combat skills. They knew they weren't coming up against regular Reunion members or mercenaries.

So much so that even the Dokutah's squad led by him himself was starting to get pushed back. Seeing the situation as so, Exusiai saw the chance and tried to sneak a sniping shot at their vanguard from his blind spot, hoping to catch him off guard while he was occupied clashing blades with Vigna along with other melee operators of the squad, but much to her and Vigna's surprise, the Vanguard still managed to have enough spacial awareness slice through the bullet directed towards him.

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