A Foot In

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Roughly 2 hours have passed by, as per the estimated time was. The mighty mobile citadel stood tall on the horizon as it slowly came into the sight of each and every personnel in the Landship, causing heads to turn outwards the window in slight awe of the large infrastructure before their eyes. It had a single very distinct skyscraper in the dead center of itself that was outlandishly tall, so far so that one would think that it could almost pierce beyond the clouds in the blue skies above it,

"So that towering structure is called the Excalibur." Nearl casually mentions the name of the awe-inducing tower with her gaze staring far out the window, sharply fixated on it as its height shadowed over all the many other buildings and infrastructures surrounding it as she herself along with all the other involved operators stood in groups on the base of the big and spacious vehicle bay of the landship, each and every single one of them already prepped up for the upcoming operation. Right now, they were all just waiting for their transport to Avalon to be ready.

"Do you think that's their main administrative building?" Heavyrain, who stood directly besides The Radiant Knight offered a piece of her mind to her having caught her small mutter to herself just moments ago. She herself also had her attention firmly affixed onto Excalibur.

"...I wouldn't think so. It looks so vulnerable. My best bet is that it serves as a landmark or a symbol or something, just like any other lavish and ambitious buildings in any other country." Ch'en cuts into the conversation, having coincidentally walked up to her as she was making her way to her own squadron. The sudden prompt caught the two surprised, peeling their gazes away from the main subject.

"That makes sense. It may be a sort of symbol for all the infected there, having lived their lives mostly in fear and discrimination from the world. Maybe of hope." Nearl uttered the thought churning in her mind thanks to Ch'en's impromptu input.

'Armored Transport BV100 - 001 through 003, preparation and final checks complete, loaded and ready for sortie.'

The always loud announcement from the Landship's P.A. system reverberated in the spacious open space of the vehicle bay, ringing all throughout before landing on their ears, finally completely clawing away their unified attention from the massive infrastructure. The three squadrons aptly organized themselves with their respective members, grouping as one squas for each of the three allocated vehicles.

As per usual, each squad leader looked back on their respective squads and tallied up everyone, making sure none was left behind. This was usually just for formalities, though,

"Where's Ghost?" Nearl asked, seeing as the absentee in question was of her squad.

"You could say he Ghosted."

"Very funny, Liskarm."

Rapid tappings of heavy footsteps against the metallic floor slowly rang onto their ears, gradually getting louder and louder, followed shortly by the shouting voice of the person they'd been just been talking about,

Speak of the devil.

"I'm sorry I'm late! I had to go see Nian." Ghost said in intervals with his slight panting, having had to jog there to make up for lost time. It'd be bad if he just outright got left behind.

"Hm? What for?" Nearl asked him back, who'd by now already regained his breath and straightened up his posture. He looked at her as she inquired,

"I...just had to pick something up from her, that's all." He answered short, before adjusting his gaze away from her to look around himself, looking at every operator gathered there as they were all now gradually entering their respective transports in organized queues,

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