(Side Story):It's just his nature(2/2)

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In a small desolate village that was usually all quiet with a peaceful atmosphere, the swishing sounds of arrows piercing the air, arts exploding and being used, and the metallic thuds of swords clashing could be heard filling the formerly quiet air. Most if not all the residents of the small village cowered and hid themselves in fear of the chaos that was happening right outside their doorsteps.

In the midst of it all, one man wielding a black sword with white lining along its blade made his way through the chaos, slashing and hacking any who stood in his way. He'd combine his \ fighting style with his pistols, which would always baffle his enemies as they all struggled to counter his rampaging offense.

The man then stopped for a second, after having slashed through whole squads of enemies. He took a glance around himself, making sure the surrounding area was clear, before making a call using a comms device he held on him,

"Ambriel, sitrep" He said, panting a little from all the fatigue he accumulated from hacking and slashing through all those enemies.

"Gravel and Rope are out of the combat zone and are heading to the base. I made sure to snipe any enemies that followed them. They said they were going to ask for reinforcement." The usual nonchalant sniper answers him,

"That's good."


"I need another favor"

"Go ahead."

"Can you see Cutter from up there?"

"Wait.....Were you really just walking around, hoping to find her by chance?"

"Not exactly blind. I tried estimating  her position when the last time she said she was to our south."

"Ah I see, smort smort. Wait a sec" a moment of silence ensued, as she scanned the battlefield for her comrade in question.

"Ooop, see her. And you. She's, like, uh....to your west? Yeah, to your west."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm pretty sure I know, like, my bearings"

"Alright, I'm moving." With that, Ghost ends his short call and was on the move again, rushing this time in search for his fellow operator, Cutter. All in hopes of a happy ending.


"Tch! They just keep coming.." Cutter mutters to herself as she slashes down yet another reunion member. She took a deep breath, before taking a quick scan of her quite tight situation.


There was no one else to be seen except for reunion forces as far as her eyes could see. Everything happened so fast, she couldn't even get back to her comrades when she was jumped by a squad of Reunion units. And now she was, facing off against swarms of Reunion forces coming from left and right.

But even so, the only thing currently on her mind now at that moment was getting back to the others, as even her comms device was damaged in her many skirmishes, cutting her communications off with the others.

Though this would prove to be difficult for her, as she had already suffered an injury on her left arm, courtesy of a bolt of arrow from a reunion sniper. The arrow stuck out of her arm, making it difficult for her to fully utilize her two swords. But even with such an injury, she still put up a fierce fight against those who dared to engage her.

She took down another reunion grunt, before her attention shifted to a sarkaz mercenary who was rapidly making his way towards her. She grit her teeth and took up her combat stance, ready to face the incoming towering foe. The sarkaz mercenary drew back his sword over his head, ready to swing his blade.

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