Angel of Destruction

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After the meetup, the Rhodes Island squadron were then faced with even more Reunion attacks, and they were now led up front by their commander, Skullshatterer. But it all proved to just be a diversion to them, as later they realized when the Reunion forces suddenly retreated after only mere moments of battle. Having come to that realization, they urgently rushed to link up with Ch'en and her L.G.D forces, who they then found out had also been attacked at the same time and managed to lose Misha in the process.

After linking up with them and working hand in hand to fight off some Reunion forces, the L.G.D's reinforcements finally arrived at the scene, and together with them was a towering individual who held a frickin' giant shuriken for a shield, named Hoshiguma, who was sort of Ch'en's personal assistant. 

After she had finished reporting to Ch'en on their current situation, she diverted her attention to the Rhodes Island's operators, when she also suddenly noticed the presence of a certain man sporting a very familiar skull mask.

"Wait, isn't that the captain of that task force? What was it called? The Phantom Task Force, right?" Hoshiguma asks Ch'en, who merely nodded back to confirm her suspicions, as she herself was occupied pondering out into the distance, her head filled with thoughts, possibilities and courses of action she should take to tackle this conflict. 

"Why is he here?" Hoshiguma then asked again, to which Ch'en only raised both her shoulders,

"Don't know. Don't care"

"...He looks different, though. I mean, he's wearing the Rhodes Island armband. When you're a captain, you just don't do that on-''

"Sign of allegiance, maybe. I don't know. Why don't you go ask him yourself, if you care so much." 

"...jeez, I was just asking, no need to have that kind of tone with me"

 Not really wanting to think too deep about it at the moment when they quite literally have a mountain of other problems to busy her mind with, Hoshiguma then said to all of Rhodes Island, 

"I look forward to seeing how well all of you fight, Rhodes Island" she said, while taking a long glance at each and every operator there, interested in how a legally registered 'Pharmaceutical Company' alongside a mishmash of security and logistics company would actually fare in a battle of such scale with her very eyes.

Somewhere else, though, in the heat of the combat zone, the signature duo of Exusiai and Texas fought in the midst of the open fields, attracting a rather impressive number of Reunion forces towards their location while Rhodes Island' made their way to them, ready to head straight into the heart of the battle.

After finally joining up with them, they all managed to chase off most, if not all of Reunion's forces in the area, but what they didn't realize was that by doing so, they had fallen straight into Reunion's scheme.

The Reunion forces, or what's left of them at least, retreated but after some time, they all began to regroup again. But this time, they brought along with them one of their commanders. It was a Sarkaz Centurion, though its actual name was unknown. Complementing its name, the centurion was a massive combatant, with a sword almost 3 quarters of its height.

The ensuing battle would be one of challenges and hardship, a battle of will and courage.

Swords clashed violently all over the battlefield, guns and arrows were shot in all directions and arts were unleashed in havoc between both sides. But amongst the chaos, The massive reunion commander managed to somehow find an opening to take a slash at one of the Penguin Logistics duo, Exusiai from behind,

Texas noticed the oncoming strike that was about to be unleashed upon her colleague. In a moment's notice, she swiftly moved through the chaos of the battlefield, swerving in between enemies and dodging near contacts of swinging blades to go and help her out, somehow. But she was beaten to it. Someone else had already gotten to Exusiai's aid before her, as another person quickly intercepted right besides her and throwing himself straight in the Centurion's line of attack.

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