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"...We're lucky she was willing to stay late today for us. Otherwise we would've had to go back tomorrow." A relieved sounding Exusiai said to the person walking besides her, Ghost. The gleaming sun had already long set, and in its cycle the moon has risen in its place, bringing along the night that engulfed the sky.

"Yeah, thankfully. But still, what's more important was we managed to reunite the little girl safely back with her mother." He replied. In his hands were three neatly wrapped rectangular brown package, each respectively tied with a red ribbon as a neat finishing touch, the three portraits of his three former brothers in arms. 

He had a bright expression with on his face, content having achieved all of the things he'd aimed to do in Lungmen. You could even argue his eyes were so lit up you could see it shine in the dark of night.

The two walked along the brightly lit urban streets, the crowds still almost as thick as it was in the day. It's only natural for the working class to relax themselves out in the many entertainments that the city accommodated in the night after a long day of toiling away at work, so such a sight wasn't much of a surprise to them, or at least to her.

As they swerved past one civilian after another, something, or more accurately someplace, caught Exusiai's eye as they walked past it, so much so that she stopped and started to retrace her steps back. Seeing her, he only followed suit with curiosity.

"Hey, it's a bar!" She exclaimed , catching the attention of the person besides her and redirecting it to a sign of an open bar with a pointing finger,

"Yeah. So?"

"Let's go in and have some drinks! It's been quite a while since I've last went to one with the Penguin Logistics girls, so I'm kind of feeling in the mood for it." 

"...Well...let's go in, but I won't be drinking"

"Ehh? Why not? That's the whole point of a bar! Going into a bar without drinking is, like, a sin!"

I'm pretty sure drinking is a sin in itself.

"...Wait, are you a minor?" In search of a justification, her mind recalls the fact that he's actually younger than her. It's a detail that's far too easily forgotten, especially when the supposed younger person is bigger and has a more mature discipline than you.

"No, not that. It's just that...I can't really drink."

" you have a medical condition that makes your body unable to process liquor, is that it?" 

"Ah yes, that, that!"

"...I see....that's too bad, then. Guess I'll be drinking alone tonight...." She said with a slight whimper towards the end of her sentence. She'd never seen him drink before, let alone drunk, so she thought it'd be funny to see how he was if he got drunk. Guess that's out of the question now. 

Still, the two entered the bar and without even an ounce of self control, she immediately flashed herself to a table and lost sight of reality as she ordered a frenzy of snacks and drinks and other foods as he only looked on, almost in terror. But he didn't mind it too much if it meant that he kept her company. She's done so for him the whole day, so what's an hour or so, right? 

It's not like he had anything to do for tonight, and such a hectic yet lively atmosphere inside the bar filled with corporate slaves seeking to also let loose like her from their tiring daily lives was one that really was to his interest. It was similar, yet somehow very different from all those parties and celebrations they held inside Rhodes Island's landship.


3 hours.

Codename: Ghost - An Arknights OC Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now