
936 28 1

-Location: [REDACTED]-
-Time: 0[]21-
-Date: _____[]-

Two figures fully outfitted in militaristic uniforms stood straight in front of each other. Their gazes meeting eye for eye. 

"I'm sorry I have to tell you this. But they're..... dead."

".... you didn't send me with them. I wasn't informed of anything."

"You were busy on your own mission. The situation forced the decision"

"You could've waited."

"You could've finished your mission faster."


"Ok, I'll admit, it was my fault. I'll take the blame if that makes you happy."


"..... I can make it up to you. I'll hook you up with another crew. The best men working with ya."


"...how about it?"

"...You can't do that. There are no more best men."

"You're being a real pain right now." 

"...Well, if that's so, then....I guess I won't be needing this anymore"

And with that, one of the two figures took off his helmet and casually threw it onto the ground to his side. He sneered another glance to him and left the other figure to stand alone. He stuttered his steps for a moment,

"I don't want to fight for you anymore."


"Hah... that makes my job easier."

Codename: Ghost - An Arknights OC Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now