He's changed, hasn't he?

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The two were surprised to see him angry, since they've never really seen him angry. In fact, throughout knowing him, there were only two times they ever saw him get mad. Once was when he got mad at Exusiai when she asked him about his squad, and the other was when he'd confronted his former General after knowing the truth about his squad.

The two instances basically made it clear that if he were to snap at something, it would be something that had to do with what he cared about.

"Yes, I am! How could you be so casual about this? Even before, when I called you, it was like you didn't even care if she was captured! If I hadn't called, she would be gone now with that guy to who knows where!"

Texas felt a little offended by him saying all that as she felt like he was making her the bad person here, but it wasn't like she didn't get where he was coming from. He had every right to be mad at her, she was the one who even told him not to worry, after all, and even she herself was taking the situation too lightly.

"...*sigh* I guess you kinda deserve to be mad at me...You're right, I probably wouldn't even think to find Exusiai right now. At the very least, I'd wait for a day before I'd probably try to find her drunk ass in some bar....."

Texas says to him, her tone accepting that her attitude was inappropriate for this situation, and that she should've been more concerned over her coworker. But all in all, she was glad that Ghost did call when he did.  Otherwise, Exusiai would really not be here right now, maybe forever.

"...Thanks, for saving her. I really appreciate it. I'll take better care of her next time, I promise."

"...You're welcome......and I'm sorry for shouting at you"

"No, no, I had that coming."

Ghost seemed to have calmed down a little, seeing Texas a reflecting on her own mistake. He was sorry that he'd lashed out at Texas. He didn't mean to be that mad at her, it was just that he couldn't hold in his anger anymore. Anyone would be that angry if someone made light over the fact that someone important to you was probably taken away.

Exusiai, who'd only been listening in to the short argument from the sidelines, had her eyes fixated on his quite angered face that slowly calmed itself down, a flowery feeling slowly presenting itself in her heart as she thought about how much this guy had been worrying about her,

Even though they were very far from each other, he came for her.
Even though like Texas said, she could've just been drunk somewhere, he still came for her
Even though he could've just taken it easy, he chose to rush for her.

"....Speaking of that man, what happened to him?" Texas suddenly asked them in general, but even though both of them were present on the scene, they didn't exactly know what had happened to that man.

"Aside from a few broken bones and a literal crack in his skull, he's about fine." A sudden voice suddenly answered her question, as the door to Ghost's ward swung open, allowing entry to two familiar people into the ward,

"Skyfire and Sussuro? Why are you two here?" Ghost asks the newly arrived operators,

"Because of you, of course." Skyfire answers him as she and Sussuro made their way closer to them, 

"What did I do that even you have to get involved here?" Ghost asks Skyfire,

"For one, you're a Rhodes Island Operator. Everything that you do reflects Rhodes Islands as a company, you know. Not to mention, you were clearly wearing the Rhodes Island's armband when you went ahead and beat up all those people."

"You were there?"

"No, I just watched a video of it." Skyfire says, as she held out her phone and showed it to him, with Texas and Exusiai also sneaking in a look, and sure enough, it was a video recording from amongst the crowd that was present at that time showing Ghost fighting all those black hooded men, 

Codename: Ghost - An Arknights OC Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now