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~ [ 1:05 am ] ~

The room was quiet in the hotel. The only sound that could be heard was faint cries muffled by the rain pouring against the window.

The shuffling of sheets woke Jeno from his sleep, the pitter pattering made him fully aware of his surroundings.

As he strained on the noise his ears allowed him to focus on the source.

Jaemin laid curled on his bed, twisting the sheets, thrashing out as if he was running for his life.

After reaching for the lamp, Jeno could see the dim light bouce off Jaemin's tear stained face, while his lips curled and eyebrows contorted.

Although the words he muttered couldn't be understood, Jeno sensed whatever it was brought him a lot of pain.

He acted quickly, climbing onto the bed and calling the blue haired boys name, becoming more worried when he wouldn't wake up.

"Jaemin? Jaemin!"

It's only went a loud crash ripped in the sky did Jaemin launch forwards in a scream, reaching out in fear.

Jeno pulled him in for a tight embrace, turning the youngers thrashing out of fear into a cry for a needed embrace.

Once Jaemin was aware Jeno was there for him, he turned around and wrapped his arms around the older, crying into his firm chest.

"Jaemin has constant nightmares of his Dad's accident. Anything loud triggers his memory like thunderstorms."

Jeno cupped  Jaemin's head and held him tight.

"It's okay. I've got you."

The blue haired sighed, arms loosening while he listened to Jeno's low voice, feeling the vibrations it sent through Jeno's chest to his ear.

"You're voice... it's blocks out the sounds. Can you keep talking to me?"

"Sure. Do you want to tell me what you dreamt about?"

Jaemin's aggressive head shaking while his small fist yanked on the older's blue tank top was a clear enough sign it was not up for topic of conversation.

"Okay, well... I didn't see you yesterday since I've been busy, want to know what I've been up to?"

The younger nodded, smiling against the warm chest he pushed up so close against.

"Well, in the morning I did my early bike ride as per usual. I had breakfast at that cool kiosk guy near the end of my cycling route. I took the train half way here and when I got back I started to look at some flats to rent out."

The pitter pattering had finally stopped, the clouds lightening finally allowed the absence of rumbling.

It then occurred to the older that Jaemin had fallen asleep in his arms, face relaxed and free from any torment.

The more he stared down upon the younger's face, the more he recognised how beautiful Jaemin truly looked.

How has he never noticed this before?

"Jaemin has had a crush on you since forever, and he still cares for you no matter how much you hurt him hyung."

Was it true?

Is what he's doing now hurting him? Holding him like this, feeling his warmth, evolving these weird feelings for him.

Jeno slowly lays Jaemin back down, tucking him in his sheets before retreating back to his bed.

But he couldn't sleep. His heart kept pounding, so loud that he could hear it in his ear drums. His mind kept racing while his eyes searched the ceiling for answers within the darkness.

Has he been hurting Jaemin this whole time?

~~ Helloo

That's it. The book is finally finished o.O I never thought I'd ever finish a book... like ever!

I kept the epilogue short and sweet, a nice taster for what the sequel shall be like hehe I didn't want to overwhelm with too much :3

But I'm afraid this book has finally met it's end and I want to thank everyone who read my book, voted and wrote some lovely comments interacting with the story.

But where Jaeyong's adventures has ended... Nomin's has only just begun.

I'll see you all soon in the sequel. Take care!

Yours truly ~~ Noodle

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