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The reality was crashing upon Taeyong as the gavel came down and the rules were set. Although they weren't losing their kids, it seemed something much worse was happening.

They were slowly going to be taken back by Johnny, whom now has the lawful right to see his children on set dates.

It was a much worse fate than being taken away suddenly, because now he feels he's going to watch them leave slowly.

Taeyong scratched the surface of the table before finally building up the courage to look up at Jaehyun for answers.

His eyes glistened, pleading for some words of comfort, some guidance. Jaehyun always had the right things to say.

But in that shared moment, before they had to leave the court room and take the kids back home, Jaehyun looked down upon him in sadness.

He looked... defeated.

No words were exchanged on the car journey home, or on the way into the elevator and back into the penthouse.

It was an uncomfortable silence that continued throughout the day while Taeyong watched the boys, Jaehyun being at work today for meetings, especially being the weekend.

By the time dinner came around and the boys went to bed, Jaehyun had still not returned and it made Taeyong worry.

As the older pulled out his phone and scanned through his contacts to find Jaehyun's name, the ding of the elevator was heard, followed by the unlocking of the front door.

"Where were you? I've been worried sick." Taeyong called from the main room, walking over to the door to greet the taller, "Jaehyun?"

Once he came around the corner to the door, his eyes landed on a sad sight to bare.

The red head immediately ran up and wrapped Jaehyun in a tight embrace, hearing the small sobs in his ear.

It was a rare sight to see him like this.

Jaehyun was a well composed man with his emotions, he barely gives anyone a chance to see these sides of him.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Taeyong cooed, lifting his head back and wiping the taller's tears away with his thumb.

Jaehyun shook his head, slowly letting the older go whom guided him to the sofa, sitting him down before taking a seat beside him.

"Talk to me Jae, you haven't spoken a word to me since this morning."

It couldn't go unnoticed, although the younger was naturally quiet and observant, he wouldn't spent a whole day in silence unless something was serious.

"I... let you down. All of you down."

The red head tilted his head, "Let us down? What on earth do you mean?"

Jaehyun took the older's hands, trying to smile as he spoke followed by tears, "I swore to you that morning nothing would happen, that I'd fight no matter what for this family."

"Jae..." Taeyong whispered, shocked at how much this took a toll on the taller. In a way it was the most beautiful thing that he cared so much about this family like Taeyong does.

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