[ 11 ]

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( Warning: This chapter is not fully explicit but has some foreplay involved, thought I'd add some heat as a treat :3 you can skip if you don't like it ^-^ )

~ [ 12:55 pm ] ~

Taeyong rolled around in the bed sheets, sighing, huffing, grumbling to himself in desperation for sleep.

But no matter the efforts to get comfortable, his mind refused to shut down. Instead, it thought of the words Jaehyun spoke.

Now. It wasn't directly to him, he didn't specifically say 'I love you' but it wasn't far off. Was it too early to say things like that?

It feels like everything is going too fast, but some moments feel like it wasn't going fast enough. Taeyong was sat on the bridge between struggling to commit or afraid of committing too much.

Somehow, there was no easy inbetween.

He felt so hot, flustered, confused and mostly aggravated. He didn't know what he wanted from Jaehyun.

His eyes glanced to the body sleeping on his left, peaceful and quiet. Did he dare to disturb his sleep for answers?

As his hand reached out unconsciously, finger almost brushing against the bare skin of his back, he quickly snatched his hand away with his heart racing.

What if he didn't like the answers he heard? What if Jaehyun thought this was too fast and then left?

Taeyong removed the sheets from his body, feeling overwhelmingly warm. He gave himself some distance between him and Jae who also emitted heat before leaving the bed and walking to the windrow.

Prying it open and glancing outside, more thoughts weaved their way increasing panic.

What if Jaehyun left? What would happen to him and the two boys? He wouldn't do that over a question... right?

The older paced the carpeted floor, aggressively thinking of multiple scenarios at once.

He was so left in thought, he didn't notice that Jaehyun had woke up from the faint pacing and muttering to himself.

At first the taller sat up, but when Tae didn't notice he softly called out his name. No response.

From the small glow emitted from the hallway, Jaehyun caught a glimpse of Taeyong's shiny face.

It was then that he got up and approached the red head with caution to ensure that he didn't startle him.

"Taeyong?" Jaehyun whispered, slightly resting his hand on the older's shoulder, making him tense, spin around and take a step back.

"Are you okay?" He asked, Taeyong still hearing the constant fury that welled within his mind.

It was then that Jaehyun reached out, pulling Taeyong to his chest and rocked him side to side, his body was cold to touch.

"I'm sorry..." Taeyong whispered, "Please don't leave me."

Jaehyun frowned. 'Where did this come from?' He thought to himself, before guiding the red head to his side of the bed.

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