[ 39 ~ Side Story ]

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Information: Just so it will make sense, this chapter takes place when Mark and Haechan first bring Jeno home before Jeno's first meet with Taeyong, Jaehyun, Jaemin and Jisung in Chapter 35.

~ [ In Jaehyun's Old Apartment ] ~

"Haechan! Did you leave the car keys in the bag?" Mark yells from the front door.

A small blonde head pops around the corner looking at Mark confused, "I don't drive, why would they be in my bag?"

"Because you're like a magpie and collect shiny things, and I have found them in there sometimes."

Haechan jingled his bag around, shaking his head at the older, "Nope, did you check the car?"

"I need the keys to get in the car, why would I ask for them if I would have had them to open the car?"

The blonde frowned, ignoring the tone the other used and pottered off to some of the storage cabinets in the main room.

"When did we use them last?" He called out, hearing Mark aggressively remove his shoes and storm into the same room.

"We don't have time to be slow Haechan, we have to get there in time."

It was then the Haechan suddenly grabbed Mark by the arms and forced him still.

"You need to calm down." He warned, "I know you want to meet this kid and that you don't want to let him down, but I won't go with you if you're going to be like this."

Mark furrowed his brows, "Like what?"

"Like this!" The younger gestures to his whole body, "You've got this grumpy attitude, being prickly with me and being frantic. We don't even need to leave the house for another hour, and we'd still be early by then!"

Mark siged. Haechan was right.

He didn't get an ounce of sleep last night, constantly worrying of how that kid would be, what would his say, how he'd react.

Suddenly, his thoughts were nulled by the younger pulling him into a tight embrace and pressing a soft peck upon his exposed forehead.

In that instant, all that weight was lifted off his shoulders from the confidence the younger brought.

"Feeling better?" He asked.

Mark nodded, giving a small smile before elegantly lowering his head to meet the youngers lips.

"This is going to be the most exciting, scary, intense, emotional adventure we're about to embark in our lives, you have the right to feel the way you do. Just know I'm with you on this."

~ [ 2:53 pm ] ~

Mark eyed the clock in the small consultation office, tapping his finger on the desk to the sound of the ticks.

"It's been over 20 minutes, it's clear the boy doesn't want to meet us thinking we'd disappoint him." Mark hissed.

Haechan just sat still, he couldn't deny that he was heartbroken that the boy he fell in love with didn't reciprocate the love and bond they felt on their first meet.

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