Chapter 7

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Rose's pov

I'm happy, so much because I finally passed on the audition and the Manager just told me I should wait this day for his call.

They offered me a big project and I will gonna be the main actress.

Several minutes later my phone ringed and I happy pick it up.

"He-hello... This is Rosè." I said first.

"Uhm.. When will I sign the contract?" I asked.

"I'm sorry Ms. Rosanne but the producer choosed someone else to this project."

"W-why ??I thought it was all set?"

"Ms. Roseanne Park, they found someone else, she's a better option that yours. I'm sorry Ms. Park but there is no contract to happen for you." he spoked before hanging up.


Lisa's pov

I was walking in the hallway to Jennie's room. I was now right infront of the door when I heard people talking to each other from inside.

Thier voices are familiar because it was Jisso and Kai's voice.

"Kai I just want you to stop. I feel so guilty." —Jisso.

"I am too, I don't want this happen to her, I don't want to cheat...but don't you think we can grab this opportunity while she's in coma? I know you love me."

Am I hearing it right???

"How can you say those things? She's still my friend Kai."

"You know that I'm not really inlove with her. I just need her because she is a big help, we need her in our projects."

"Is that why you can't just leave her??"

I step back while processing everything I heared in my mind.

I never had any idea that they have a secret relationship. Is Jisso serious?? She's been with this guy?

They both love this guy and I can't understand why.

" Are you okay? "someone said from behind and I felt a hand touched my shoulder. It was Rośe. I was about to answer when my phone vibrates.

I checked my phone and I received an email from an unknown person.

I froze in my spot when I saw the pictures I've received.

" Lisa are you okay??" Rośe asked in concern.

"U-uhm.. Excuse me for a second." I stuttery utter then walked away.

Who the hell is this?!

It was a pictures way back before, six years ago. Picture of Jennie and I when we are secretly dating, one picture shows the two of us kissing.

"I TOLD YOU I KNOW EVERYTHING..." the message I received.


But the sender didn't replied back.

I don't know anyone who will do this.. E-except —fuck!

"Lisa?" I heard a familiar voice called. I grip my fist before turning around. I feel my blood boils seeing his face.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING JUNGKOOK?!" I angrily said but he seems confused.

"W-what am I doing?? Lisa I just called you what's wrong with that??"

"Are you playing games with me??" I sternly asked.

"Lisa what's really going on, you know what I just came here to see you. I even bought you some lunch." he showed me the plastic bag he's holding.

He's denying it infront of me. What if it's not him?

"Lisa??" I heard Rosè called.She's waiting on the door.

"C-can you please just... Just don't bother me." I utter then leave him behind.

"What's wrong? Are you two that close? Is he suiting you?" Rosè curiously asked. I just sitted on the couch.

"No.." I plainly utter.

"He seems nice..."

If you only knew...

"Je-jennie unnie?? —Lisa she's moving!"i heared she said that made me look at her. I automatically stood up my seat.

" S-she's waking up! Jennie unnie are you okay?? "she said in happiness, I saw how Jennie slowly opened her eyes but can't utter a word.

I feel relieved but hesitant to come closer.

" I-I'll just call the doctor. "I said then rushed outside.

Jennie's pov

My eyelids are heavy and I feel so weak. I saw white ceiling then I heard a voice.

" Can you see me?? "she asked. I tried to look at my side and I saw Rosè smiling.

" W-where am i?? "I utter in my weak voice.

" You're in the hospital unnie. Did you forgot what happened? You are poisoned. "

I am poisoned??

I was about to say when the doctor came checking my pupils.

After checking my vitals and telling that I'm now okay but I can't be discharged yet the doctor left.

" I called your parents already. They are on thier way. "Rosè said while holding my arm.

" T-thankyou... "my eyes averted on the person behind her. Lisa is sitting on the couch without looking at me directly.

Is she relieved or disappointed that I woked up?

" We've been always here watching you, Lisa is here when everyone is out. "Rośe said.

" Re-really?? "So she did it despite she hate me?

" Yeah.. "

" Babe?? "I heard Kai who just came in. I smiled as I saw him, he hold my hand then kissed the back of my palms then kissed my forehead.

"Thank God you're awake.Im so worried." he spoked, I caught how Lisa look away then stood up her seat.

"I'll just buy some food." she said in her expressless voice before leaving.

Lisa's pov

What the fuck is he doing? If Jennie only knew that the guy she's inlove with is cheating on her she might just choose to stay in coma and never wake up.

You're so disgusting Kai, I just wished you could keep your secret for a long time.

I was in the hallway when Jisso is coming.

"I heard she woked up."

"Ye-yeah..." I answered in my plain voice.I can't read her expression, she just nodded.

"Good for her." she said and was about to leave when I hold her wrist to stop her.

I know she's older that me but I can't just stay quite knowing they are both stabbing Jennie.

"What??" she curiously asked.

"Jissoyah I know that you have relationship with Jennie's boyfriend and I want you to know that you are doing a mistake. She's your friend, are you aware that you can  hurt her?" I seriously said.

"Lisa I don't know what you're talking about—"

"Jissoyah I know you're smarter than us but don't make me a dumb.Please just say the truth... For the sake of our friendship." I directly utter before letting her go.

She just look at me but didn't utter any words. I didn't Waited for it and just take my pace.

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