Chapter 31

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Third Persons pov

Lisa and Jennie left together at the pool area, without realizing that a paired of eyes are watching them the very beggining.

Lisa returned to her room alone. She locked the door then changed her clothes.

The feline was right infront of her room, she hold the knob then pushed it. She opened the light—

"O-OHGOD! —KAI?? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??" she shockly said while holding her chest.

Kai was in his serious face then get up from sitting in her bed then walks towards her.The felines heart started to pump as she started to feel nervous.

"Where did you came from?" he asked in his serious voice.

"O-outside... W-why??" she tried her best to calm her coice.He was looking at her suspiciously so she can't look at him directly.

"I was calling you. You're not picking up your damn phone!" he raised his voice that surprised her.

"I left my phone here."

"I swimmed, can't you see? I need to change–"she was about to leave when he pushed her againts the wall.

He kissed her desperately then kissed her neck. She's just wearing her bra and shorts when she got there.

She tried to lift her hand then touched the back of his nape letting him be. She closed her eyes while he's kissing her down her cleavage, her mind started to assumed that it's Lisa doing it.


"Ummm...." she moaned. He suddenly stopped that made her open her eyes. He's looking at her with unreadable face.

"It's late... Change your clothes." he said then hold the knob.

The feline just nooded but confused but glad he stopped besides its not him she's thinking about.

Jisso's pov

I can't sleep so I just opened my laptop then check my emails. After some time a knock invaded my mind.

I walked towards the door then Rośe walked inside without waiting for my words.

"Ca-can I...stay here?" she asked that surprised me.

I just closed the door then face her again. She's just staring at me, something is in her eyes.

"Somethings wro—"

"You loved me right?" she cut me off the caught me off guard.

"O-ofcourse ..Chaeyoung we're friends."

"You know that's not what I meant." she said that paused me. She step towards me and closed our gap.

I look away then hold her shoulder to stopped her.

"I don't know why you're asking me —"

"Why?? You're the most honest person, you said everything you want why can't you be honest with me?"

"I don't... You're drunk. Just get a good sleep.Chaeyoung it's not right to ask a friend that question..."

"Goodnight." I added then opened the door for her. She's looking at me in disbelief then just leaved.

I scaped a heavy breath as I closed the door.

7:30 am_

Jennie's pov

I already came home. Mino called me while on my way home and told me someone is in my house.

Which is my cousin and her girlfriend.

"You just came from a party?" Irene asked as I sip the cup of tea.

I smiled.

"Yes... It's Lisa's celebration." I answered.

"How about you? You didn't told me you came back w-with your G-girlfriend." I utter then glance at the woman beside her. I saw her hands hold the woman's hands that reminded me about someone.

I subconsciously look away while holding my cup of tea.

"You okay?? Are you... Uncomfortable??" Irene worriedly asked that made me look at her.

"Yeah...But no."

"Irene I accept you for who you are, and if you."loved her." I glance at Suelgi.

"It's just I still cant believe what happened. T-that you choosed her over your family... You're a very tough person" I utter.

I just hate the fact the I can't be like her. She's someone who can take the risk and I envy her for that.

"Jennie? Your parents." Mino said as he walked towards us. I looked at them worriedly.

I was about to stand up when my parents already came walking towards our direction. Their eyes dropped to the person in the couch then glance at me.

I gulped then finally get up. I walk towards them then embraced them.

"Jennie you have a guest?" my mom asked. Irene stand up then faced them.

"Goodmorning Auntie." Irene said then was about to take her step when mom stopped her.

"No need." mom said that stopped her from coming.

"You really returned and with your..." dad said then look at them disgusted.

"They just visit me." I interfere.

"When were you leaving?" mom asked them.

"Dont worry... We just came to visit Jennie, we will leave now." Irene said then glance at Suelgi who get up from sitting.

"Jennie, thankyou. We have to go." she pursed a smile and didn't tried to hug me.

"Let me take you outside." I told her.

"No it's fine." she smiled then glance at my parents. I just let them go.

"Mom, Dad? Isn't that much?? Why do you hate her that much??" I asked in disbelief.

"Her parents already pushed her away, you don't need to do it again." I added.

"It's becuase they are sinners. Those mortality should not be accepted,our family won't tolerate that." mom said.

"Don't come near that Irene. She's no good influence... Those people have no shame. She deserved to be thrown away." dad said that made me grip my fist.

"Why?? Do you pity her?" mom asked that made me paused.

"Do you want to be involved with her? Jennie don't come near her, if anyone knew that you're cousin is a gay it will not be good for us.You know I don't tolerate that." dad said it will ruin me and church community.

"She choosed that woman over her family, imagine how shameful is that. She was given a chance to marry a guy but she declined it. If she just accepted the offer maybe she's still part of the family." mom said while sitting.

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